Feb 19, 1473
NIcholas Copernicus
Forumula led to a heliocentric model of the universe -
Dec 14, 1546
Tycho Brahe
comprehevis astroniamical & planetry observations -
Feb 15, 1564
Galileo Gallie
imporved miltary compass anyalis of telescopic comformation of venus sunspots, discorved 4 largest satelites pf jupiter -
Dec 27, 1571
Johannes kepler
know for his laws of plantery motion. -
Giovanni Cassini
discovered 4 Satelities, And Satum -
sir issac Newton
forumlated the laws of motion & univerisal gravitation -
Edmond Haley
computed theoralt of the eponymas Haley Coment. -
Charles Messier
published an astornamal cataloge "messier Objects" -
Willam Herschel
discovered Uranus infrared rays, deep skys surveys. -
Anne Jump cannon
catalouge work was insturmental in the development of contempory "stellar classifiction" -
Albert Einstein
developed the general theory of releavtive 1 of 2 pillars of modern physics -
Edwin Hubble
estblished the field of extragalactive astronmy. -
Frank Drake
one of the pioneers in search for E.T.Intelligence founded in SETI -
Carl Sagan
antirubutes to sciencitific research of E.T. Life. (ET go home) -
Stephan Hawking
Author/director of research a the center of theoreticalcosmotlogy.