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Early River Civilizations 3 Tigris -Euprates

  • 5000bce

  • 3500bce

    Cities began popping up all around the rivers.
    People were coming together in permanent dwellings to live.
  • 3200bce

    Pictographic record keeping.
    They had a system for recording leadership and crops in the civilization.
  • 2800bce

    The legendary Gilgamesh rules.
    They have an organized group of leaders who are very powerful in their civilizations along with others.
  • 2400bce

    Sings became cuneiform.
    They had the worlds first advanced system of writing. They were able to record leadership, harvests, taxes and more. This system helped organize them and allow them to run easily.
  • 1800bce

    Hammurabi unites Mesopotamia and creates his famous law code.
    Mesopotamia was one massive kingdom with clear rules. Citizens were aware of what the laws were (because they were written and posted everywhere), and leaders couldn't make up laws to please themselves. The matching punishment also made inforcement easy.
  • 1600bce

    Hittites raid Babylon.
    Hammurabi has passed, and the once great civilzation is weak and easy to seize.
  • 1200bce

    Assyrians conquer most of Mesopotamia.
    These civilizations are constantly tossed from one government to the next when their captors are captured. They retain their identities, but have little to no power.
  • 500bce

    They become a part of the Persian Empire.
    They now have no power. Many are killed or used as slaves. They are no longer individual civilizations.
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