Period: 1405 to 1421
明成祖 -
Period: 1438 to
Holy Roman Empire under the Habsburgs
In 1438 the emperorship went to Albert II of Habsburg and it would remain with the Habsburgs with only one short break until the Empire was dissolved in 1804. -
the end of the Hundred Years War
between England and France, the use of artillery was viewed as the beginning of modern warfare. -
Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople
End of Byzantine Empire. Ottoman turks renamed Constantinople - Istanbul -
Gutenberg invents printing press
the first stock exchange / Bourse was set up in Antwerp
Dias arrived Cape of Good Hope in South Africa
Conquest of Granada
expulsion of the Jews from Spain -
First voyage of Columbus
to Caribbean, America -
French invasion of Italy
Treaty of Tordesillas
divided the new World into 2 parts between Portugal and Spain along a meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands -
Vasco da Gama reaches India
Protestant reformation
Charles V elected Holy Roman Emperor
Luther's address at the Diet of Worms
addressed Martin Luther and the effects of the Protestant Reformation, Luther then was banned from the Hold Roman Empire -
Sweden established its own monarchy
In 1397, a treaty set up the Union of Kalmar uniting Denmark, Norway and Sweden under the Queen of Denmark -
English Reformation
the Church of England broke away from the authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church. -
Society of Jesus officially recognised by the pope
Period: 1545 to 1563
Council of Trent
Trento. Ecumenical council大公会议(主教). counter-reformation反宗教改革 -
Peace of Augsburg
Charles V. Made the legal division of Christianity, lutheran and catholic, permanent within the Holy Roman Empire. The problem is it didn't include Calvinism. 诸侯国允许自行决定各自领土的法定国教.1552年以前由路德派诸侯没收的天主教会财产不予返还。凡改宗路德派的亲王、主教等统治者被要求放弃领地统治权 -
Charles V abdicated
dividing his vast holdings between his son Philip II (who got Spain, the Netherlands, and the Spanish empire) and his brother Ferdinand I (who got Austria and other central European holdings, and the title of emperor) -
Elizabeth I inherits the English throne
Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis
France abandoned its claims in Italy -
Aug 23, 1572
St.Bartholomew's Day Massacre
French Wars of Religion(4th). between Catholic and Huguenots. -
The Union of Utrecht
a treaty signed in Utrecht, the Netherlands, unifying the northern provinces of the Netherlands, until then under the control of Habsburg Spain. 被看作是荷兰共和国成立的基础。 -
Edict of Nantes
Henry IV of France. granted the Calvinist Protestants of France(huguenots) substantial rights in the nation. -
Period: to
Dutch East India Company
spices -
Protestant Union
In 1555, Peace of Augsburg by Charles V and Lutheran princes. In 1608, Protestant princes formed the Protestant Union. The next year, the Catholic League was created. In 1618, the Thirty Years' War began with the outbreak of the Bohemian Revolt. Frederick V of Denmark于1619年在神圣罗马皇帝Ferdinand II的反对下接受了波希米亚王位. The Union declared its neutrality in the conflict between Frederick and the Catholic League in the 1620 Treaty of Ulm. The Union dissolved the next year -
Period: to
Thirty Years Wars
五个阶段。 由神圣罗马帝国的内战演变而成的一场大规模战争。导火线是1618年的波希米亚人民反抗神圣罗马帝国的民族及宗教起义,著名的布拉格掷窗事件。战争以波希米亚人反抗哈布斯堡家族统治为肇始,最后以哈布斯堡家族战败并签订《威斯特伐利亚和约》而告结束。 -
Edict of restitution
Ferdinand II forbade Calvinism and ordered all lands that had become Protestant since 1552 to revert to Catholicism. -
English Civil War begins
Treaty of Westphalia
三十年战争结束。承认荷兰和瑞士独立。包括了卡尔文教 -
Period: to
投石党乱大概可划分为两次战役,即法院投石党(the Fronde of the parlements)和贵族投石党(the Fronde of the nobles) -
Peace of Prague
Ferdinand II dissolve the Catholic League and made peace with German Protestant princes, but it didn't satisfy the Swedes and French. It form the basis of the 1648 Peace of Westphalia. -
the Instrument of Government
a constitution that made Parliament Supreme but gave Cromwell executive power. -
Treaty of the Pyrenees
Ended the Franco-Spanish War. Spain gradually lost its international power. 该协定还包括法国国王路易十四世和西班牙公主玛丽·泰蕾莎之间的婚约 -
Restoration of Charles II
Period: to
War of Devolution
As part of the 1659 Treaty of the Pyrenees that ended the Franco-Spanish War, Louis XIV married Maria Theresa, eldest daughter of Philip IV of Spain. the treaty of Aachen 尼德兰城市,将法国领土向东北方向扩张。 -
The treaty of Aachen
尼德兰城市,将法国领土向东北方向扩张。 -
Period: to
War of the Grand Alliance
大同盟战争 was a conflict between France and a European coalition which mainly included the Holy Roman Empire, the Dutch Republic, England, Spain and Portugal. In 1697, Treaty of Ryswick. 降低对荷兰的关税,归还1679年以后占领的大多数领土,同时路易十四承认威廉三世为合法的英王(取消对詹姆斯二世的支持),至此大同盟战争正式结束。 -
Period: to
Franco-Dutch War
treaty of Nijmegen 1678. -
Treaty of Nijmegen
法国、荷兰、神圣罗马帝国等国在荷兰奈梅亨缔结的诸多国际条约之总称,终结法荷战争。西班牙把瑞士边境的土地让给法国,确立了法国在欧洲的霸主地位,路易十四也被巴黎尊为“路易大帝”。 -
Louis XIV move from Paris to Versailles
Edict of Fontainebleau
Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes. France - Catholicism -
Code Noir
路易十四颁布了“黑人法典”. 允许在法国贵族所有殖民地雇用黑人帮佣做工,但明文禁止贩卖奴隶,禁止拆散夫妻和强行使父母同幼年的子女分离。 -
Period: to
Glorious Revolution
光荣革命是英国一场政变,导因于英国国王与英国国会权力之争以及基督教新旧教(英国国教会及天主教会)之争。 -
Bill of rights
光荣革命诞生了1689年权利法案(Bill of Rights 1689),是英国君主立宪制 -
Treaty of Ryswick
降低对荷兰的关税,归还1679年以后占领的大多数领土,同时路易十四承认威廉三世为合法的英王(取消对詹姆斯二世的支持),至此大同盟战争正式结束。 -
French found Louisiana
Period: to
War of the Spanish Succession
After Charles II, Philip V took the Spanish Habsburg and became king of France and king of Spain -- Bourbon family
Peace of Utrecht. Philip V became the Bourbon king of Spain. England took over the Atlantic slave trade from Spain. -
Period: to
War of the Austrian Succession
Austrian Habsburg -
Period: to
Seven Years War
法俄HRE vs. 普鲁士英国。 法国割让加拿大给英国,并撤出印度。英国逐渐成为日不落帝国。但英国将这次的大帝国战争(法国-印第安战争)的战费转嫁在北美殖民州身上,引起当地居民的不满。七年战争完后13年,美国独立战争爆发。 -
Treaty of Paris
巴黎和约。 法国割让加拿大给英国,并撤出印度。英国逐渐成为日不落帝国 -
Period: to
American Independence War
The Edict of Versailles
授予法国的非天主教徒公开信仰宗教的权利和法律与民事地位的官方敕令,这里面还包括了不需要皈依天主教就可以缔结婚约的权利。 -
French Revolution