1 CE
Bering strait
- This was a land bridge that was formed when the water levels of the earth started to recede from the ice forming all around the globe, beginning the ice age. 2.The early men crossed this land bridge by following mega fauna. The mega fauna were running out of fresh grass, and crossed the Bering strait for more, letting early man adapt and follow behind them.
Clovis people
1.The Clovis people were at the end of the last ice age.
2.Clovis people got their name because their artifacts were found near Clovis, New Mexico.
3.The theory is that the Clovis people were the first inhabitants of the Americas.
4.Many people follow this theory, as there are no solid evidence found suggesting otherwise.
5.The tool that they are most famous for using is called the Clovis point, used to hunt and kill mega fauna like the woolly mammoth and woolly rhino. -
Kelp highway
1.This theory suggests that early man made rafts and paddled down the ice free corridor which, by the name suggests, has kelp. 2.This also could've provided the paddlers kelp to eat as well. 3.This route was also quick and easy to go through as well. -
coastal route
1.This theory suggests that in order for early mankind to go from southeast Asia to the western point of North America, they traveled along the coastline.
2.This theory could also be used to explain why artifacts were far away from the Bering strait.