
Early Human Migration

  • 250,000 BCE

    Before homo sapiens

    Before homo sapiens
    Homo sapiens, the first modern humans, evolved from their early hominid predecessors homo erectus between 200,000 and 300,000 years ago.
  • Period: 200,000 BCE to 2000 BCE

    Early Human Migration

    This timeline shows the patterns of early human migration from 200,000 BCE to 2,000 BCE and the events that happened in between.
  • 150,000 BCE

    Modern Human Beginnings

    Modern Human Beginnings
    A possible second migration from Africa begins, Involving at some point the ancestors of modern man.
  • 95,000 BCE

    South East Asia Bro!

    South East Asia Bro!
    Early humans moved to South East Asia from Africa around 90,000 to 100,000 BCE
  • 85,000 BCE

    Moving Out

    Moving Out
    The first modern humans began moving outside of Africa starting about 70,000-100,000 years ago.
  • 60,000 BCE

    Migration to Australia

    Migration to Australia
    The first human inhabitants of Australia makes the crossing from southeast Asia around 60,000 BCE
  • 60,000 BCE

    Homo Floriensis

    Homo Floriensis
    Homo floresiensis is an extinct species in the genus Homo. The remains of an individual that would have stood about 1.1 m in height were discovered in 2003 at Liang Bua on the island of Flores in Indonesia. They got bred out.
  • 40,000 BCE

    Onwards to Europe

    Onwards to Europe
    Homo Sapiens move to Europe from Africa around 40,000 BCE.
  • 40,000 BCE


    Neanderthals, scientifically known as Homo neanderthalensis ,were ancient humans that became extinct about 40,000 years ago. They seem to have appeared in Europe and later expanded into Southwest, Central and Northern Asia. The reason for their extinction is unknown.
  • 30,000 BCE

    Going to Asia

    Going to Asia
    Homo sapiens moved to Asia around 25-35,000 BCE from Africa
  • 11,000 BCE

    North America! Freedom!

    North America! Freedom!
    Early humans moved to North America from Asia around 11,000 BCE.
  • 11,000 BCE

    South America

    South America
    Early humans moved to South America from North America at around 11,000 BCE.