Austrolopithecus Afransis
Austrolopithecus Afransis were yhe first Early nonomids. Austrolapithecus Afransis means Souther Ape. Donald Johnson called Lucy part of Austrolopithecus Afransis. Lucy was much shorter than modern humans, they were about 3ft. tall. She had some human and some ape lookings. Her hands and feet were a lot like humans today. Her head was large and her jaw and forhead came aut of her face, They lived 4 million years ago B.C.E. As you can see they kind of looked like humans. -
Homo Habilis
The Leakey's who discovered Homo Habilis named them for Handy Man because they can make tools. Handy Man had a bigger brian wich let them make tools. There tools were very simple. Handy Man used rocks and chopping tools. Homo Habilis lived about 1.5 to 2 million years ago. It showed that the Homo Habilis were more advance than Lucy. -
Homo Erectus
The group that discovered the third group of Homonids named Homo Erectus because it ment upright men. It was the first group to walk upright. The Homo Erectus was around longer than any other group, They were around from l.8 million to 200,000 B.C.E. Some Scientist believe that they were the first ones to migrate out of Africa. They ate more meat then any other Homonids.They ate red deers, elepants, rinoceros, goats, boars, and oysters. The fires helped them survive in the cold. -
Homo Sapiens
In German some workers from Neander Valley found a skeleton, it looked a lot like a human. Scientists consider disitinct type of Homo Sapiens, wich means "Wise Men". Scientists call them Homo Sapiens Neanderthals or Neanderthal men. they lived from 230,000 to 30,000 years ago. Neandethal men lived in Africa, near the East, Europe, and parts of Asia. They were much stronger than Modern humans. -
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Homo Sapiens Sapiens were the first to create cave paintings. Homo Sapiens Sapiens meant "Doubly Wise Men". These Doubly Wise Men lived from 35,000 to 12,000 B.C.E. The Early Modern Humans Migrate to South and North America. The Early Modern Humans looked more like Modern Humans then Neanderthals. They could make much better tools. As you can see the hominids more modern humans each time.