Human evolution

Early Hominids

By tbbuc
  • Australopithecus Africanus

    Australopithecus Africanus
    Australopithecus Africanus a.k.a "southern ape" lived four million years ago, mainly in trees in South Africa. Some of their physical features are slender, 3.4 feet tall, long arms and they were bipeds. The types of tools they used were sticks and stones. They used these tools to hunt for food. Their main capability is to walk on two feet to escape from preditors.
  • Period: to

    Early Hominids

  • Homo Habilis

    Homo Habilis
    Homo Habilis also meaning "Handy Man" lived 1.5 - 2 million years ago in Eastern Africa. Some of their physical traits were they were more human appearing, four feet tall, short with long arms. They had more advanced tools and used rock chippers and cutting tools made from rock. They were skilled at creating and using tools to make weapons.
  • Homo Erectus

    Homo Erectus
    Homo Erectus meaning upright man, lived 1.8 to 200,000 years ago. They lived in Africa, Asia, and Eourope. They are belived to be the first human species to migrate. Homo Erectus were the first human ansester to walk fully upright. They stood aproxamently five feet tall they had smaller heads teeth. Homo Erectus made more complex tools made out of stone and used spears as wepons, to hunt. There special skill was to build fire.
  • Homo Sapein Neanderthalensis

    Homo Sapein Neanderthalensis
    Homo Sapein Neanderthalensis meaning wise man walked fully upright and were known for there abllity to stand and run. They lived 230,000 - 30,000 years ago in Africa, Asia and Europe. Homo Sapiens are known for there larger brains and compact bodies. They were 5.5 feet tall. Homo Sapein Neanderthalensis were able to control fire, they built shelters and used tools and spears to hunt. They were also the first to burry tere dead.
  • Homo Sapien Sapiens

    Homo Sapien Sapiens
    Homo Sapien Sapiens means modern human. They lived in 35,000-12,000 B.C.E. in Africa, Asia, Europe ,and Australia. Homo Sapien Sapiens were six feet tall and looked much like modern humans. They made shelter, wore clothing and used weapons like bows and spears. Homo Sapien Sapiens also wrote/painted on walls to show animals and hunts.