
Early Hominids

  • Austalopithecus Aferensis ( Lucy)

    Austalopithecus Aferensis ( Lucy)
    The australopithacus aferensis named Lucy is commonly known as the world's earliest discovered fossil. Lucy was predicted to live between 3 to 4 million years ago. She was found in Africa. Lucy was around 3 feet tall and had a protruding jaw and forhead. She had a very small brain.This amazing discovery was found with no tools and was predicted to have used her hands to fight and hunt. A special capability of Lucy's was that she was biped, or walked on two legs.
  • Homo Halibis ( Handy Man)

    Homo Halibis ( Handy Man)
    Homo halibis was nicknamed " Handy Man" for all of the tools they made.The Handy Man lived from1.5 to 2 million years ago in Africa. The fossil was a little taller than Lucy. This piece of history was 4 feet tall and was slightly more human-like than her. Handy man also had a larger brain. They were predicted to have used shaped or naturally sharp rocks to cut and chop. They used animal bones and stones to dig up some of thier food along with the rocks.They had an amazing ability to make tools.
  • Homo Erectus

    Homo Erectus
    HomoErectus was very different from the other hominidsThey lived from 1.8,000,000 BC to2,000 BC in Java Island by Asia. Instead of a bent back, this man stood straight. He was tall, thin, had strong bones, a round thick skull, and a smooth forehead. He also had a lager brain than the Homo Halibis.They fasioned strong hand axes using fire and used mostly animal bones. These men where good walkers and runners and they learned how to control fire which was a big deal.
  • Homo Sapiens Neanderthaleusis

    Homo Sapiens Neanderthaleusis
    Scientists predicted that these facinating skektons lived from 230,000 to 30,000 years ago in Germany's Neander Valley. They had thick bones and a ridgr above their eyes. They were also short and stocky with a straight back. These smart men crafted scrapers and spearheads with stone knifes. that means that they were skilled tool makers. A special capability was that they hunted in organized groups.
  • Homo Sapiens Sapiens

    Homo Sapiens Sapiens
    Homo Sapiens Sapiens means Doubley Wise Man. These Wise men lived from 35,000 to 12,000 BCE in the area of Spain.They, like many others had high rounded skulls and were not as adapt to the cold as other hominids. They had hooks and spear throwers and bows for hunting and war. They were very good at making new tools and weapons.