The Austrian Anschluss
In February of 1938 Hitler threatened to invade Austria unless Austrian Nazis were give important government posts .The chancellor of Austria gave into the demand but feared the outcome. Soon after Hitler sent in troops to Austria in March and announced the Anschluss. -
The Munich Conference
At the Munich Conference representatives from Britain, France,Italy and,Germany agreed to meet in Munich to decide the fate of Czechoslovakia´s fate. Hitler demands a policy that becomes known as the ¨appeasement,¨ which was also known as making concessions in exchange for peace They felt if they gave him what he wanted it would avoid war. Appeasement did fail and in 1939 Germany sent troops into Czechoslovakia and divided the country. -
Hitler Demands Danzig
Hitler wants to control Danzing. Danzing is part of Poland at the time and has been since world war l. Danzing has 90% of the population is Germans.Hitler i demanding too much and Britain and France believe that the war was inevitable. After hearing that France and Britain would help Poland in war, Hitler ordered German army to prepare to invade Poland. -
The Nazi-Soviet Pact
The pact was signed by Germany and the USSR. The USSR believe d the best way to protect the USSR was to turn the capitalist nations against each other. If the treaty worked Germany would go to war against Britain and France. The treaty was also a secret deal to divide Poland between Germany and the Soviet union. -
The Invasion of Poland
Germany invaded Poland.Two days later Britain and France declared war on Germany and this started World War ll.The Germans used tanks against the Polish who rode horses and carried lances. The Germans used new warfare called "blitzkrieg." This type of war fare used large tanks to kill and destroy. By October of 1939 Germany fully defeated the Polish. -
The Fall of France
After World War l the French build the Maginot Line, which stood on the German border. France did not want to risk their troops so they stayed behind this line. This decision turned disastrous. The Germans went around the Maginot line and smashed through the french lines. The Germans then turned towards france. The French and Belgium troops were still in Belgium and did not have time to turn back. The whole situation turned into a mess. -
The Evacuation of Dunkirk
The Germans began to move towards the English channel. The British and French hoped to evacuate their serving troops by sea, but Germans captured one port. During this Hitler randomly told his troops to stop, which gave a 3 day delay. The British took this time to strengthen there lines.When the evacuation ended the British rescued about 338,000 ships. The Evacuation ended on June 4th -
The Battle of Britain
The Battle of Britain was an air battle that occurred in the 1940s. Germans started this off by bombing London on accident.The British were upset and spitefully bombed Berlin the following night.The British had an advantage in this war and that was the fact that they had radar.Both Germany and the British lost many planes and fighters. This fight caused Hitler to cancel his invasion on Britain.