The Munich Crisis
Hitler latter had his eyes on Sudetenland which had a big population of German speaking people in Czechoslovakia they resisted German demands Then France with the Soviet Union and Britain threatened to fight Germany if they attacked The fate of Czechoslovakia was decided by the Munich Conference where France & Britain agreed to Hitlers plan for peace or an appeasement they felt if they gave Hitler his demands it would avoid was Hitler then split Czech and Slovakia and appeasement failed -
Austrian Anschluss
Hitler wanted unification of all German speaking people including countries like Austria Hitler aspired to expand Germany's territory by using force Hitler threatened to invade Austria unless the Austrian Nazis were given important roles in the Government the chancellor of Austria gave into his demand however he made it a democratic vote Hitler feared the people wouldn't sway to his idea so he sent troops into Austria & marched and announced Anschluss which is the unification of the countries -
Hitler Demands Danzig
Hitler then demanded the city of Danzig back to Germany These demands from Hitler made Britain & France realize the war is inevitable and they stated they would offer Poland their aid if they are going to defend Danzig which encouraged Poland to refuse Hitler´s request Germany prepared his armies and negotiated with the USSR so he wont fight them too -
The Nazi Soviet Pact
Germany proposed a nonaggression treaty to the Soviets which Stalin agreed too to keep the USSR safe and let Germany go t war against France & Britain and the USSR and Germany would split Poland On March 23 1939 the nonaggression treaty pact was signed by Germany and the USSR. -
The Invasion of Poland
Germany invaded Poland which led France & Britain to declare war on Germany which started WWII Poland lost to Germany due to blitzreig which is Germany's new type of warfare awhich use large massed tanks to break through and encircled enemy positions However Poland's army was outdated they used horses and carried lances and they lost their capitol Warsaw to Germany -
The Fall of France
The British had sent troops to aid France they remained on defense for the Germans to attack the French had Maginot line a line of bunkers they built the French stayed their rather than risking their troops & for Germany to get around the Maginot line they had to invade Belgium,Netherlands,& Luxembourg so the did that which led the Brits and French to run to Belgium Germany went to the French border and smashed the little troops there since all the main army was at and stuck at Belgium -
The Evacuation of Dunrik
When Germany trapped French and British troops in Belgium they had to escape but the only way was through the ports and the only one that wasn't capture was in Dunrik when German forces closed in on Dunrik Hitler ordered them to stop and heave them a 3 day delay which gave time for the British trips to become stronger the there was "Operation Dynamo" French Dutch and Belgium got 338,000 troops out using 850 navy sized ships however all of British equipment was left at Dunrik -
The Battle of Britain
Britain was not going to surrender to Germany so Germany tried to invade Britain but they had trouble since they didn't have much transportation ships and Royal Airforce of Britain would sink their ships Germany had their own Air Force, The Luftwaffe and German bombers bombed London killing civilians so Britain bombed Berlin which led Hitler to command all focus of Luftwaffe to bombing London the allies then thwarted Germany's plans by destroying their aircraft & Hitler cancelled the attack