Early Events of WWII

By 1841455
  • The Austrian Anschluss

    The Austrian Anschluss
    Hitler called for the unification of all speaking people in 1937. In 1938 he threatened to invade German -speaking Austria Unless the Austrian Nazi's were given important government posts. Hitler sent troops into Austria in march to announce the Anschluss of Austria and Germany.
  • The Munich Crisis

    The Munich Crisis
    Hitler announced that German claims to Sudetenland. The Czechs resisted Germany demands for Sudetenland. At the Munich Conference Britain and France agreed to Hitlers demands, this policy became know as the Appeasement. The supporters of the Appeasement, believed that they could avoid war if they gave Hitler got what he wanted. The Appeasement failed to keep peace. Germany sent troops into Czechoslovakia and dived the country.
  • Hitler Demands Danzig

    Hitler Demands Danzig
    Hitler demanded that the city of Danzig return to German control. 90 percent of Danzig were Germans but, it was apart of Poland. Hitler also asked for a highway and railroad across Polish Corridor. Britain announced that if Poland went to war for it territory, Britain and France would come to its aid, which encouraged Poland to refuse his demands. The only problem was Hitler did not want to fight the Soviets too.
  • The Nazi-Soviet Pact

    The Nazi-Soviet Pact
    Stalin believed that the best way to protect the USSR was to turn the capitalist nations against each other. Germany would go into war with Britain and France and the USSR would be safe if the treaty worked. The treaty was signed by Germany and the USSR and it shocked the world. The treaty contained a secret deal that would divide Poland between Germany and the Soviet Union.
  • The Invasion of Poland

    The Invasion of Poland
    September 1st Germany invaded Poland. Two days after that Britain and France declared war. The Germans used tanks but the Polish used horses and carried lances. The Germans used a warfare called Blitzkreig. The Polish army could not repel the attack. The Germans defeated Polish military on October 5th.
  •                -The Fall of France          

                   -The Fall of France          
    The birtish had sent troops to France and both countries remained on the defensive waiting for the Germans to attack. After World War I the French had built a line of concrete bunkers called the Maginot Line. Instead of risking the troops by attacking the French preferred to wait behind that line.
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    British would not surrender so Hitler sent his commanders to start to invade. Germany had a few transport ships and the British air force would sink them. To invade Germany had to defeat The British Royal Air force. German began to attack British shipping. This battle was called The battle of Britain. German accidentally bombed London the British capital. This enraged the British and bombed Berlin the same night.
  • The Evacuation of Dunkirk

    The Evacuation of Dunkirk
    German forces closed in on Dunkirk and Hitler suddenly asked them to stop. Nobody was sure why he gave that order. There is evidence that Hitler thought that the British would be more willing to accept peace if the Germans did not humiliate them. His order provided a 3 day delay. The gave the British time to strengthen their line and begin the evacuation. The evacuation ended on June 4 many were saved.