Early Events of WWII

By 196077
  • The Austrian Anschluss

    The Austrian Anschluss
    Despite the defiance of the Treaty of Versailles,the Nazi party as well as other European leaders supported Hitler's idea to unite all German regions.What some may have thought was the quest for peace turned into a threat to take over Austria.Hitler's power was used as bait to allow Austrian Nazis to receive government jobs in order to execute his regime of unification.
  • The Munich Conference

    The Munich Conference
    Hitler's gain of Austria only increased his hunger to expand.He had his eye on the Sudetenland which was a region of Czechoslovakia that held a big German population.Britain,France,and Italy didn't support where his mind was headed.This lead to the Munich Conference which was a meeting between the leaders,Chamberlain,Mussolini,and Hitler.As a result,they came to terms of conciliation or appeasement for peace since an altercation was the last thing these nations wanted.
  • Hitler Demands Danzig

    Hitler Demands Danzig
    Hitler's conquest for additional power continues with his ultimatum for Danzig. Despite being consisted of a population that is 90 percent German,it laid in Poland's control.To top it off,he requested for a highway to be built in order to connect western Germany with East Prussia.Once again,Britain and France come in aid for Poland as they quickly realized that war is inevitable.As a result,Hitler declared war but also prepared for negotiations to prevent a feud with Soviet Union.
  • The Nazi-Soviet Pact

    The Nazi-Soviet Pact
    The world is shocked with what seems to be an alliance in the making with Germany and the Soviet Union.Despite having two completely opposite forms of economic or governmental beliefs,they agreed to a nonaggression pact which was meant to make capitalist nations turn against each other and to free Hitler alongside his army to take over Poland.This commencement contained a secret compensation of splitting Poland between the two nations apart of this plan.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Enough is enough.It's time to settle the dispute as Germany invades Poland which forces the ally countries of Britain and France to hop in the discussion.Poland's bravery was enough to withstand an initial attack but their old school style of fighting was not enough.The Germans displayed an entourage of tanks and aircraft that blasted through the enemy lines in what is known as their "blitzkreig" warfare.As a result,the polish army was defeated on October 5,1939
  • The Fall of France

    The Fall of France
    With the destruction of Poland,the remaining countries played the waiting game,giving the battle the name "the bore war".While being defensive minded,France created the Maginot line that used the combination of bunkers and forts to protect the border closest to Germany.This move decided to backfire as the border closest to Belgium was vulnerable.The Germans took advantage and used their blitzkreig warfare to get around the maginot line and penetrated through enemy lines,trapping them in Belgium.
  • The Evacuation of Dunkirk

    The Evacuation of Dunkirk
    With the allied forces trapped in Belgium,Hitler looked to drive them up the English Channel.The problem is that they haven't acquired the port of Dunkirk.They then proceeded to enclose them at the port but Hitler then made a questionable decision to stop the attack.No one knows his reasoning but this delay gave time for the British to bring rescue ships over to safety.338,000 troops were rescued in this miracle.Their weapons were left, though, and this lead to the surrender of France.
  • The Battle of Britain

    The Battle of Britain
    All have surrender except Britain.In command for them is the courageous heart of Winston Churchill who refused to back down.One last erand for Hitler as they took on Britain this time by air.It came down to the stronger Air Force.Bombs were dropped everywhere including an accidental spill in London which then became a back and forth to destroy eachother's capital.The British had radars that aided them to victory as they intercepted German aircraft.Britain's bravery canceled Hitler's invasion.