The Nazi Party
Under Adolf Hitler was formed a party that would establish dictatorship all around the world. They were called the Nazis -
Hitler and treaty
1935 Hitler began to defy the treaty of Versailles that had ended World War 1. Announces that Germany would build a new air force and begin a military draft that would expand the army actions to violate the treaty -
Benito Mussolini makes the "axis" for Italy and its allies then says that the line is an axis around which all European states can also collaborate. -
Fascism Italy takes over and annexes Ethiopia. This leads to Nazi Germany and Italy signing a treaty of cooperation which then announces the Berlin- Rome axis -
War in the Pacififc
When Japan goes out to attack and invade China while doing so, this brings World War II into the Pacific -
Munich agreement
Germany , Italy, Great Britain, and France sign the Munich agreement which forced Czechslovak military defense positions to Nazi Germany -
Slovaks declare their independence under German Pressure to form Slovak Republic. The Germans than take some of the land violating the Munich agreement -
More War with Germany
Honoring their grantee of Polish Land , Great Britain and France declare war on Germany.