In 1932 Hitler began to defy the Treaty of Versailles which ended World War l. He announced that Germany would build a new air force and begin a military draft that would expand it's army actions in direct violation of the treaty. -
The Austrian Anschluss
In the late 1937 Hitler called for the unification of all German speaking people, including the people in Austria and Czechoslovakia. In February 1938 Hitler threatened Germany by saying he's going to invade German speaking Austria unless the Austrian Nazis were given important government posts, Hitler sent troops into Austria in March and announced the Anschluss of Austrian and Germany -
The Munich Crisis
Adolf Hitler announced German claims to the Sudetenland which is area of Czechoslovakia with a large German Speaking Population. The Munich Agreement took place on September 30, 1938, it was a settlement that permitted German annexation. Sudetenland was coined. -
Hitler Demands Danzig
In the spring of 1939 Hitler demanded that the city of Danzig should be returned to German control. Although Danzig had more than 90% of Germans, it was part of Poland since World War l. In May 1939, Hitler ordered the German army to prepare to invade Poland, He also ordered his foreign minister to begin negotiations with the USSR. -
The Nazi Soviet Pact
German officials proposed a nonaggression treaty to the soviets, Stalin agreed. He believed the best way to protect the USSR was to turn the capitalist nations against each other. The nonaggression pact signed by Germany and the USSR on August 23, 1939 -
The Invasion of Poland
The invasion of Poland which was also known as the September Campaign or the 1939 Defense War. It was a joint invasion which was started by the Nazi Germany which marked the beginning of World War ll. This happened one week after signing the Nazi Soviet Pact while the Soviet Invasion commenced on September 17 1939, German forces invaded Poland from the North, South, and West. They were defeated in the battle of bzura, and in the battle of Kock. Poland was annexed and divided into parts.