Early Events of World War II

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    The Austrian Anschluss

    In late 1937, Hitler called to unify all German-speakers, including the ones who spoke German in Czechoslovakia and Austria. He thought Germany had a chance to expand territory. In 1938 he then threatened to invade Austria unless Austrian Nazi's got involved with it. Austria's chancellor agreed but tried to make unification a vote. Hitler feared that it will not go in his favor and so he invaded Austria declaring unification (anschluss).
  • The Munich Conference

    Adolf Hitler had began to make a long list of demands. He started with Sudentenland in Czechoslovakia, he threatened to take it by force. Prime Minister Chamberlain tried talking Hitler out of the forced annexatio of Sudetenland, and so they thought victory.
  • Danzing

    Hitler demanded to take the Danzing region of poland, under polish administration, they declined the offer. March of 1939 France and Britain promised to protect Poland
  • German-Soviet Pact

    Hitler had went against his agreement with England and France by going forth with taking countries. Britain and France decided to keep the soviets on their side by adding more trade and other things. Hitler knew this could work for if he took Poland he would have to face Joseph Stalin. Hitler sent a man to propose a deal to Stalin, that they would remain peaceful for 100 years. Stalin said that 10 years would suffice and that anyone who interferred with either country could not receive help.
  • Poland is Invaded

    Hitler devised a plan to take poland, and then poland miscalculates all the attack plans. Poland tries to take on Germany with old fashion attack (horse and cavaliers) mean while Germany is equipped with more modern weaponary
  • Fall of France

    In world war 1 France had built the maginot line to prevent future German attack. On may 10, 1940, the Maginot Line crumbled and because of this Germany had pushed forward forcing the british and french back. German finally took Verdun that day.
  • Evacuation of Dunkirk

    The German army advance and the british and french tried to fight them off. Eventually, they failed and had been trapped in a small spot with no hopes to escape. Alas, they did escape, boats had came for the soldiers and 300,000 were saved
  • Battle of britain

    All through summer and fall German and British air forces had been fighting against each other. When Germany's airship began to fail, this made a turning point in the war. Despite all the targetting, Britain had one this battle and were saved from a land invasion