The Austrian Anschluss
Hitler wanted a unification for German speaking people even the ones in Austria and Czechoslovakia. A year later he wanted Austrian nazis to be alerted about important government information, he threatened German speaking people. In march he sent out troops to Austria and announced the unification of Germany and Austria. -
Munich Conference
Britain and France agreed to the policy appeasement to exchange for peace. Hitler only had a few demands and they realized if they follow them then they can avoid war. Czechoslovakia was demanded to give up the Sudetenland or to fight Germany on its own. Germany sent troops into Czechoslovakia and divided the country ,Slovakia was under Germany's control still. -
Hitler Demands Danzig
If Poland went to war to defend its territory Britain and France said they would come and fight against Poland. Poland no longer wanted to follow Hitler's demands but Hitler had the Germans ready to attack Poland. Hitler didn't want to leave the Soviets if Germany was fighting Britain and France -
The Nazi Soviet Pact
Germany proposed a nonaggression treaty to soviets. Germany signed the treaty because if it worked Germany would go to war with britain and France and USSR would be protected. Hitler did not like it because he made a deal to free himself for war against their counties and Poland and now everyone else is happy it is signed except him. In the treaty there was a part no one really knew that they would divide Poland between Germany and the Soviet Union. -
Invasion of Poland
This was a big factor of world war 2. Germany attacked Poland and 2 days after Britain and France wanted to go to war with Germany, this lead to the start of world war 2. The polish army was a little outdated on their techniques, they rode horses and carried lances while Germany had tanks. In addition they used a new type of warfare, blitzkreig, many massed tanks to quickly take out the enemies. On October 5 Germans had won against the polish military. -
Fall of France
The British and French waited for Germans to come attack. The French made a “Maginot Line” after world world 1. It helped the Germans to focus on Poland before fighting with Britain and French. Hitler went around the Maginot Line and it protected France's border with Germany. It did not protect France's border with Belgium. -
Evacuation of Dunkirk
The Germans tried getting the allied troops out by sea. There was only one port open since the rest were filled with Germans. The one port open was dunrick, Hitler was hoping to solve the conflict peacefully. 338,000 troops were saved on June 4 1940. -
Battle of Britain
Germany accidentally bombed London which then lead to Berlin bombing the next night. Hitler wanted them to focus on atttacking the British. Britishs Air Force was outnumber but they used radar to detect when the Germans were coming. Hitler's plan worked except Germans lost more aircrafts then British. On October 12 1940 Hitler canceled the invasion on British.