The League if United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
Was founded to help Hispanics get equality. -
Jackie Robinson Joins Brooklyn Dodgers
First African American to play in the Major Leagues. When met with prejudice he acted with dignity. -
Gonzalo and Felicitas Mendez Sue School
Gonzalo and Felicitas Mendez sue school in Orange County, California. Federal District Court judge ruled that segregating Mexican American students was unconstitutional -
Delgado v. Bastrop ISD
Made segregation of Mexican American children in Texas illegal. -
Period: to
Civil Rights Movement
Brown v. Board of Education
Oliver Brown sued Topeka, Kansas Board of Education to allow his 8 year old daughter Linda to attend a nearby school for whites only. After appeals the case reached the Supreme Court. At the Supreme Court THurgood Marhsall argued on behalf of brown and against segregation in schools -
Native Americans
Native Americans lived in terrible poverty. Government decided to adopt a new approach know as termination. They wanted to eliminate reservations to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream American life. It was met with resistance and in time the federal government abandoned it. -
Separate But Not Equal
Supreme Court unanimously ruled the Brown v, Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas that "separate but equal" was unconstitutional. Court ruled that local school boards should desegregate. -
Rosa Parks Says No
African Americans were expected to move if a white person asked them to move if they had no seat. Rosa Parks said no and got arrested. -
Montgomery bus boycott
Plan to not use the bus. Martin Luther King Jr, the minister of the Baptist church where the original boycott meeting too place soon became the spokesperson for the movement. -
Southern Manifesto
More than 90 members of Congress expressed their opposition of the Court's ruling. They said the Court had overstepped. They claimed that it violated states tights and was an example of judicial usurpation. -
No more bus segregation
Supreme Court ruled that bus segregation like school segregation was unconstitutional. -
Little Rock Nine
Governor Orval Faubus defied the Brown v Board of Ed ruling. He posted National Guard troops at Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas and told them to turn away the nine African American students who were supposed to go there that year. Eisenhower placed the National Guard under federal command. He sent soldiers to Arkansas to protect the nin students. -
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Martin Luther King Jr. and other African American clergyman began a new and important civil rights organization. Advocated the practice of nonviolent protest. -
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
Student Organization conceived by the SCLC. Meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina for students active in the struggle. Nearly 200 students showed up for the first SNCC meeting. Became a permanent and separate organization. Sought for immediate change as opposed to the gradual change.