Early Cinema

  • Zoetrope

    consisted of two matching wheels on the same axis with spokes around the perimeter. When spun together in alternate directions the wheel further away appeared to move slower or often stop when viewed through the closer wheel.
    It was established by Belgian scientist Joseph Plateau.
  • Praxinoscope

    Using a drum design which revolved, as with the Zoetrope, the images were viewed reflected in a prism of mirrors which rose from the centre of the drum. Each mirror as it passed flashed a clear image opposed to it.
    carried out by Frenchman Emile Reynaud.
  • Thomas A. Edison

    Thomas A. Edison
    Invented the lightbulb
  • Lumiere Brothers

    Lumiere Brothers
    During his experimentation, Louis discovered a process which assisted the development of photography. Louis developed a new 'dry plate' process at the age of seventeen
  • W. K. L Dickson

    W. K. L Dickson
    Invented the first celluloid film
  • Kinetoscope

    It comprised and upright wooden cabinet, four foot high with a peephole in the top. Magnifying lenses in the peephole enlarged the film - a continuous band around fifty foot long which was arranged around a series of spools
  • Mutoscope

    Perfected and patented with the name Mutoscope by Casler
  • Cinematographe

    Louis and Auguste patented the name Cinématographe in both their names
  • Birt Acres

    Birt Acres
    Acres gave the first public performance of his projector at the Royal Photographic Society, where Acres was a fellow, in London
  • Vitascope

    Edison agreed and the Armat projecting Phantoscope was renamed the Vitascope and was preceded by 'Edison’s' for, as Raff and Gammon explained, effective publicity and exploitation of the device.
  • Robert W. Paul

    Robert W. Paul
    He also developed a projector, the Theatrograph, giving the first public demonstration at Finsbury Technical College
  • Georges Melies

    Georges Melies
    Presented his first film screening
  • Cecil Hepworth

    Cecil Hepworth
    he began touring with his own mixed slide and film show.
  • Edwin S. Porter

    Edwin S. Porter
    Whilst at Vitascope, Porter was central in the organisation of the first projected movie show in New York