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Early church

  • The first fleet arrives in New South Wales

  • 1788 governer Philip ordered all convicts to go to church on Sunday

  • First Irish convicts transported to New South Wales

  • 1792 catholic settlers in Parramatta pension governor Philip for a chaplain

    And the only way the Catholics could keep up the fathe was to keep on praying
  • Father Dixon was caught up in a reaction of the Irish rebellion

    Father Dixon was caught up in a reaction of the Irish  rebellion
  • Fr Dixon Arrived in New South Wales

  • Fr Dixon did his first catholic public mass.

    Is held under strict government supervision
  • First public mass was held

  • Fr Jeremah Flynn arrives to minister to convict Catholics but he does not have the official sanction of the church or state.

    The following year after ignoring Governor MacQuarrie‘s instructions not to carry out any of the functions of a priest he is arrested.
  • Father Dixon became a priest

    Father Dixon became a priest
  • Father John Therry and father Philip colony Australia’s first official priests arrive in Sydney

    Father thery open the first catholic school in Parramatta and lobbies Governor Macquire for that for land on which to build the settlements first Catholic Church
  • The foundation stones of Saint Mary‘s chapel is laid by Governor Mcquire.

  • Father Therry found the first catholic school on Hunter Street Parramatta

  • Father Therry is mosquitoed in the Sydney gazette triggering a furore among the Anglican establishment

  • Father Daniel power lands in Sydney to replace father Therry as official chaplain to the growing colony.

  • Australia’s first Sensis is held and reveals a white population of 36,598 which includes both free settlers and convex

  • Panel laws preventing Catholics holding government position ends

  • Father power dies

  • Fish and Polding take control of schools by 18 3630 primary schools in operation

  • Governor Bourke Reinstates father therry was the colonies official Chaplin.

  • Transportation of convicts to New South Wales is suspended

  • Archbishop polding concentrates father James Gould as the first Bishop of Melbourne

  • The British government passed The Australian colonies Government act which allowed the separation of Victoria and the Moreton Bay settlements.