Johann Amos Comenius wrote the first picture book for children
Froebel opens the first kindergarten in Blankenburg, Germany
The Butler School at Hampton Institute is opened as a free school for black children, including kindergarten curriculum for five-year-olds.
First teacher-training program for kindergarteners, Oshkosh Normal School, Pennsylvania
First White House Conference on Children is held by Theodore Roosevelt, leading to the establishment of the Children’s Bureau in 1912.
First U.S Montessori school opens in New York City
Arnold Gesell establishes the Clinic of Child Development at Yale University and studies norms of child growth and behavior.
Loris Malguzzi starts a school in Reggio Emilia, Italy, emphasizing the child’s individual creative expression.
The U.S Congress passed bills that authorized both Head Start and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act/Title 1
Accreditation by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) for programs serving young children was launched.