Early Childhood Education Timeline

By kc13
  • First Preschool

    Johann Pestalozzi established what is considered to be the first school to teach preschool age children.
  • Garden of Children/Friedrich Frobel

    The Garden of Children (Kindergarten) was created by Friedrich Frobel. It was based off of his belief that children are unique with unique needs so their education should be the same. He also created Froebel gifts, which were educational toys made especially for kids. He believed that leaning happens through play.
  • Maria Montessori

    Opened the Children's House in Rome in 1907
    An Italian physician and educator best known for her philosophy of education.
    Developed a method of education for young children that stresses the development of a child's own initiative and natural abilities, especially through practical play called the Montessori method. This method allowed children to develop at their own pace and provided educators with a new understanding of child development.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Made education equally available to all children in public schools.

    This made public school available to children of many races and of many income levels of which it previously may not have been accessible.
  • Head Start is Founded

    In 1965 Head Start was introduced to help educate young children who come from low-income families and provides them and their parents with assistance and education regardless of how much money they have. Head Start provides comprehensive early childhood education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to low-income children and their families.
  • Child Care and Development Block Grant

    The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), also called the Child Care and Development Fund is the primary source of U.S. federal funding for child care subsidies for low-income working families and funds to improve child care quality.
    Provides funding/financial for afterschool care of children for families that may not be able to afford it.
  • The Stand for Children Campaign begins

    Advocates for changes in public education
    A non-profit American education advocacy group whose mission "is to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, graduate from high school prepared for, and with access to, a college education."
    Over the years, the organization has shifted its focus from children's issues to improving public education funding, and from funding to improving the public education system
  • "No Child Left Behind Act"

    Passed in 2001
    The primary purpose of the NCLB is to ensure that all students in every public school achieve important learning goals while being educated in safe classrooms by well-prepared teachers.
    To be funded, schools have to test and be adequate in their progress so they are held accountable for their teaching. Many oppose this act, saying that it focuses too much on standardized testing.
    it was replaced by the "every student succeeds act" in 2015.
  • The Preschool for all Initiative

    Passed by President Obama in 2013. Created high-quality preschool nationwide and promotes access to education for children under the ages of 4.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    A US law passed in December 2015 that governs the United States K–12 public education policy.
    Replaces the No Child Left Behind Act, and modified (but did not eliminate) the provisions relating to the periodic standardized tests given to students.