John Comenius
He believed that learning should progress from easy to hard. This paved the way for current education systems that start with easier topics and lead into understanding harder topics. -
John Locke
He believed that children are borm as blank slates ready to learn. He created the idea that all learning comes from real life experiences which led to the belief that learning needed to start at a young age. -
Jean Piaget
Piaget created a theory that is based off of developmental milestones. When we try to decide if a child is appropriatly developing, we think of many milestones that Piaget had in his theory. -
Lev Vygotsky
Vygotsky's socioculture theory led to emphasizing the importance of relationships in learning. It is important that kids have good relationships with their teachers so that they can trust them with scaffolding and other co learning activities. -
Abraham Maslow
Maslow'd humanistic approach to early childhood education led to the belief that children's basic needs must be met before they can do any learning. This is still used today because if children are having a hard time in class, teachers first determine if they are properly nourished and have a good amount of rest. -
Sputnik put fear into the United State that the Soviets would be taking over because they were superior in in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math. This fear led to the creation of NDEA which led to the funding of educational practices around the idea of STEM. -
Civil Rights Act
The Civil Rights Act gave every person regaurdless of color or race the right to use public facilities including public education. This act made it possible for everyone to get educated. -
Ecominic Opportunity Act
This act led to many organizations that helped those people with poor SES with health and education. This eventually led to the creation of the Headstart program that we still use today.