John Comenius, known as the Father of Modern Education produced the first children's picture book
This opened the gate for many people to start developing books for children. This would help children with their learning process and help children develop their senses. -
Johann Pestalozzi established what is considered to the first school to teach preschool age children.
By doing this, he allowed childrens education to get started much ealier. This also would open up to more people seeing preschool age as more comprehensive. -
Robert Oewn Set out a theory that believed how children are taught will effect society.
By putting out this theory, Owen made it so that childhood esucation would be taken more seriously. He also made it so new iprovisions would start to surface. -
Maria Montesorri opens the Children's House in Rome.
By opening her first school, it led to many public and private school being taught in a Montesorri style. This also provided teachers with training programs to become fully educated on the Montesorri teaching style. -
Abraham Maslow developed the theory of self actualization based on needs
This theory stated that basic needs must be met before cognitave function can occur. This would allow childrens needs to be taken more seriously. -
Erik Erikson Developed the "8 Stages"
Eriksons theory of the 8 stages made it easier to track down what each stage needed and what steps could not be skipped. His theory helped spark the idea that emotional learning and emotional care play a big role in early childhood education. -
President Obama called on Congress to expand access to high-quality preschool to every child in America, called The Preschool for All initiative.
This was a huge milestone because without more funds for preschoolers schools were not able to provide the best education. By providing the best education through funding he secured a better future of childhood education. -
Howard Gardner developed theory of multiple intelligences.
Gardners theory made it so that teachers developed specific curriculums to match their childrens specific needs. This would ensure that no child would fall behind or feel bored with their education.