
Early Childhood Education History Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1500

    Promoting Family Literacy

    Promoting Family Literacy
    Fundamentals of Early Childhood Education 7th Ed. George MorrisonDuring the 14th century Martin Luther advocated the society's need to encourage children and adults to read their own language. Luther also promoted Universal education for the public.
  • Theories In Greater Depth

    Theories In Greater Depth
    Fundamentals of Early Childhood Education 7th edition George Wallace
    Scholars such as John Comenius, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Johann Pestalozzi and Robert Owen all shared their philosophies to the world about the importance of early childhood learning, social and family influence, and the need of physical and emotional tools to use throughout the early stages of life. Many of their ideas are still used as part of an E.C.E curricula
  • Development and Play

    Development and Play
    Fundamentals of Education 7th Ed. George MorrisonFriedrich Wilhelm Froebel known as the "father of the kindergarten" used the metaphor teacher-as-gardener to provide activities to the "seed" (child) and to observe the "unfolding" (development) of the tender plant to grow, mature,and produce "fruit" or of what the child had been able to learn through play. Froebel was one of the first theorists to believe that children grew and developed through play. Many of Froebels concepts are used in many of today's ECE's and kindergarten's.
  • The Montessori Method

    The Montessori Method
    Fundamentals of Early Childhood Education 7th Edition George MorrisonMaria Montessori was Italy's first woman to earn a medical degree. This career choice helped her to create educational solutions to student's living with deafness, paralysis and mental retardation. Her method's are used in thousands of early childhood programs today.
  • John Dewey and Progressivism

    John Dewey and Progressivism
    Fundamentals of Early Childhood Education7th EditionGeorge MorrisonJohn Dewey's theory of Progressivism emphasizes on children's interests rather than subject matter. Dewey's theory has had an ongoing influence to help educator's create Child-Centered curriculum and schools. His ideas created the basis for current Contemporary Constructivist ideas and practices.
  • Common Core Roots

    Common Core Roots
    Fundamentals of Early Childhood Education 7th Ed. George MorrisonWhen The Soviet Union launched the world's first satellite,Sputnik, The United States Congress passed the National Defense Education Act. This new law made sure that U.S. students were educated by a superior curriculum known as STEM (Science,Technology,Engineering,Math).
    Stem is now known as the Common Core Standards. This act help to stop the spread of communism and world dominance The Soviet Union was competing for.
  • Civil Rights Movement and Education

    Civil Rights Movement and Education
    Fundamental of Early Childhood Education 7th edition George WallaceSince the 1960's U.S. citizan's have fought for equal rights for our students. The outcries caused change within our nation after congress passed laws to provide citizens the rights of a quality education.
    These laws were :
    The Civil Rights Act
    Equal Opportunity in Education Act
    The Economic Opportunity Act
    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    No Child Left Behind Act
    The Education of All Handicapped Children Act
    The Individuals with Disibilities act
  • The Present

    The Present
    Fundamentals of Early Childhood Education
    As a society, we have seen many advancements for Early Childhood Education. Most programs have the opportunity to try out different methods of practice to research within a program to see if it is the right fit. If it doesn't work out their is always going to be another method or methods to combine for each case or environment.