Feb 11, 1483
Martin Luther 1483-1546
Luther is known for replacing the catholic chirch with the Bible. He belived people where free to there own salvation through there native togue.He started by translating the Bible into german ensuring that all children can read and learn in there native language -
John Locke 1632-1704
Locky is known for his statment"children are born blank tablets" and belived that children should be tought early on in life.He also belived that childrens experiance could determin tho they are when they grow up to be adoults,meaning that the enviroment they are in has a say how they will be doen the road, last one thing he belived was the childs enviroment came from not only the parents but the teacher as well. -
Johanna Heinrich Pestalozzi 1746- 1827
Most people when they hear her name know her for the two books to help parents teach their young children from home "How Gertude Teaches Her Children' and 'Book For Mothers.'Pestalozzi belived sensory learning could achieve their natural potential and encouraged activities such as baking,feeling and counting. -
Friedrch Froebel 1782 1852
Pople called him "Father of the kindergarten." One of his wasys of explaning how a child learned was children where like seeds and their teacher was the gardener.The teacher was to watch the children play and teach them things that they where ready to learn. -
Maria Montessori 1870-1952
when i hear her name I think of montessori based learning schools.Her thery went along way into tadys way of thinking for children and how they learn and should be tought.She was the start to the size of schools. and belived that children coulld learn anything with the right essentials. -
Erik Erikson 1902-1994
Erikson is best known for his eight stages of man. he brok down the steps children learn all they way to there adoult lifes.He belived that all children need education, care and love.He also belived how the parents and teacher interact witht he child determine there emotional and conitive development. -
Urie Bronfenbrenner1917- 2005
Just like a lot of thories and therrist childrens inviromen had a big inpact on the child.He also belived that for a child to do better there needed to be less negative influence. he felt that a child could ot do well in school or in home if the cild was always put doen and or yelled at. -
Howard gardner 1943
he belived in mutiple abilities nine to be exact.he belived that there where multiple was that a cild could learn and thingk.he individualiz and curricul to approach childrens intelligece.