Jan 1, 1522
Translation of the Bible from Latin to German
Martin Luther translated Bible from Latin into German. He emphasized importantce of reading in native language for the sake of knowing and following scriptures as oppose to following Catholic Church. He advocated literacy for all and necessity of establishing schools for children. His ideas gave start to Protestant Reformation supporting popular education for all. -
First Children's Picture Book
John Comenius wrote the first pictorial textbook called Orbis Pictus, followed by Didactica Magna in 1642. Comenius believed that it was important for children to see what the world look like with the help of pictures. His books supported his belief that teaching should follow children's learning abilitiators. He also believed that sensory education forms the es from simple to more complex concepts. -
Creation of Educational Manipulative Toys
Johann Pestalozzi believed that students need to learn through their senses and through physical activity, arguing for "things before words, concrete before abstract". He developed special manipulatives for counting, measuring, touching and feeling activities. -
Beginning of Kindergarten
Friedrich Froebel opened first kindergarten in Germany in 1837. It was intended to serve impoverished children from three to six years of age. Froebel believed that children need to have play time in order to learn. Kindergarten should be a place for children to grow and learn from their social interaction with other children. -
Start of Progressive Education
John Dewey is the author of pregressive education that centeres on children and their interests. Classroom work in Dewey’s school was a carefully designed extension of children’s familiar life in the home, where children were actively involved in activities that had meaning to them.The progressive education philosophy emphasizes individual instruction, informality in the classroom, and the use of group discussions and laboratories as instructional tecniques. -
Zone of Proximal Development
Lev Vygotsky believed that children’s mental, language, and social development is supported and enhanced by others through social interaction. He developed concept of a zone of proximal development in children. He believed that teacher-child dialog and cooperation is very important and becomes a means for helping children to scaffold, or develop new concepts and solve problems independently. -
Theory of Cognitive Development
Jean Piaget developed the theory ofcognitive development. He believed that children develop intelligence through direct experiences with the physical world, and learning is an internal process involving children’s adapting new knowledge to what they already know. He recognized four stages of cognitive development: sensorimotor, preoperational, stage of concrete operations, stage of formal operations. -
Theory of Multiple Intelligence
Howard Gardner developed theory of multiple intelligencies that suggested that children can be smart in many ways. Gardner has identified nine intelligences: visual/spatial, verbal/linguistic, mathematical/logical, bodily/kinesthetic, musical/rhythmic interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist, and existentialist. His ideas challenge modern educators to create earning environment for each type of learner and create fair assesment system.