Sep 24, 1483
Martin Luther 1483-1546
Martin Luther is a great advocate for schools teaching children how to read. He also contributed in translating to vernacular language which allowed people to educate themselves in their own language. The influences on Modern Theorists that he portrayed are, public support of education, universal education, teaching of reading to all children, and adult literacy. -
John Comenius 1592-1670
John Comenius was the first childrens picture book author, Orbis Pictus. He had similar thoughts on experiences as John Locke did, that was that experiences formed what a child would be like. Not only that but he believed education should occur through individuals senses. Some influences on Modern Theorists he had are that, early learning helps determine school and life success, and that he believed teaching/learning should progress from easy to difficult. -
John Locke 1632-1704
John Locke believed something very similar to my own beliefs. He believed that the experiences children have, determine who they are. That experiences are the basic essentials to all learning. Influences he had on Mondern Theorists are that learning should begin early, children learn what they are taught/teachers make children, and it is possible to rear children to think and act as society wants them to. -
Johann Pestalozzi 1746-1827
Johann Pestalozzi was an advocate towards the fact that education should follow natures course. He and John Comenius had similar views on the fact that education is based on senses and sensorary impressions. Ways he influenced Modern Theorists are home schooling, and family-centered approaches to early childhood education. -
Robert Owen 1771-1858
Robert Owen has a very socialist approach on early childhood education. He believed that environment cant determine the beliefs, achievements, and behaviors of a child. As well as society and environment can shape childrens character. Robert was an advocate for education having the potential for building a new society. -
John Dewey 1859-1952
John Dewey was apart of the progressive education movement. He believed childrens interests should form the basis of curriculum. Also that education should be happening today, not tomorrow. An influence he had on Modern Theorists was discovery learning. -
Abraham Maslow 1908-1970
Abraham Maslow expressed that through human development, one must meet basic needs throughout life to complete the process. Influences he had on Modern Theorists are the importance of meeting basic human needs, therefore cognitive learning can occur, also the growth of self-esteem movement, and emphasis on providing safety, security, love, and affection for all children. -
Howard Gardner 1943
Howard Gardner had an interesting take on early childhood education. He had a theory of multiple intelligences. Gardner believed that intelligence consists of a total of nine different abilities, not a single ability, but a varied set of abilities.