Early Childhood Education

  • John Comenius wrote Orbis Pictus, the first picture book for children.

    Picture books are a great way for children to be visual learners. Sensory experiences also support and promote learning.
  • Philosopher Jean-Jacques Roussueau states that a child's mode of thinking is different than an adult and they learn though hands-on experience.

    It was discovered that children learn through hands on experiences. That is the best way children can learn and it is the main way they are taught today,
  • Johann Pestalozzi established what is considered to the first school to teach preschool age children.

    This is a big milestone in early childhood education because preschool is a main place that early childhood education happens. Preschool is the first place children experience education.
  • First public school kindergarten started in St. Louis.

    Public kindergarden is very benificial because parents can send their children to kindergarden without having to pay. Kindergarden is one of the first places children learn also.
  • National Association for the Education of Young Children is founded. Now over 100,000 members and 400 affiliates.

    This is the largest organization working on behalf of young children. This assocation works to make early childhood education the best it can be.
  • Head Start is funded by the Economic Opportunites Act.

    Head start is a preschool program for children whos families can't afford preschool. This is a big advantage for families and children.
  • The No Child Left Behind Act bill is passed.

    The no child left behind act was a big milestone in early childhood education. No Child Left Behind requires all public schools receiving federal funding to administer a state-wide standardized test annually to all students so they can see were each student is.
  • President Obama called on Congress to expand access to high-quality preschool to every child in America, called The Preschool for All initiative.

    Obama is a very big supporter of preschool. He has made it very easy for all children to attend preschool.