Early Childhood Education

By jmsebia
  • John Amos Comenius

    John Amos Comenius's theory on education helped outline the school system used in the United States today. John also believed children learned with hands on experiences using nature around them from education. Another he believed is equal opportunities for poor children and women.
  • Hartford, Connecticut School for Deaf

    Thomas H. Gallaudet a father of a deaf child founded the school/home what is now called American School for the Deaf to give his child and others an opportunity of an education and to learn. This school was one step that help changed the way for children with a disability.
  • Congressed passed Public Law 94-142 Education for All Handicapped Children Act

    This Act changed the education for the disable, it gave everyone a chance at an education. Before the act children were denied an education because of their disabilities.

    This Act was for the younger children with disabilities to ensure that they too had an opportunity at an education. This act was geared towards the younger like preschool for early interventions.
  • Florida Voucher for students in academically failing schools

    This voucher was for children in schools that academically were failing, giving a student a chance for a better education funded by the government.
  • George W. Bush Passes No Child Left Behind

    The idea of this act was to help the students in public schools to have an equal chance as everyone and to help public school give the students a quality education.
  • United Nations Literacy Decade

    This was made to increase literacy levels worldwide.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act/ Replaces No Child Left Behind

    Main purpose of this act is to ensure that public schools provide a good education for all students. This act was a replacement for the No Child Left Behind, it was an upgrade to give each state more of a word on the education of the students.