Early Childhood Education

  • First School to Teach Preschoolers Established

    Johann Pestalozzi established a school in Switzerland that taught preschool aged children and went through great strides to educate those with a lower income
  • Kindergarten Introduced

    Margarethe Schurz started the first kindergarten, taught in German, which opened up the idea of early childhood education.
  • Montessori School Opened in New York

    The first Montessori school was opened in New York.
  • National Defense Education Act

    The space race prompted a focus in subject matters like science, math, engineering and technology. The government released this act in order to set goals for students in education and would eventually lead to common core.
  • Civil Rights Act

    This act allowed children of all races and income levels to have access to a public education.
  • Head Start Introduced

    Provided families with a lower income assistance and education.
  • National Association for Family Childcare

    NAFCC is founded and creates a network for providers and partners in order to expand and promote family childcare.
  • Even Start Program

    A federally funded program that gives families access to training and support to create a literate home environment
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    A federal law that provides money for extra educational assistance for low income students in return for their academic improvements was passed.
  • Operation Military Child Care

    The DoD sponsored this program that provides childcare for children of military personnel