simultaneous childhood bilingualism( the day I was born)
I acquired two languages at the same time from birth. My mother was born and raised in Brooklyn. My dad was born and raised in Puerto Rico. He went to NY to marry my mother. He ended up staying for more than twenty years. At home my mom always spoke to my dad in Spanish. My dad never spoke English at all. I believe since I was in my mothers womb I had learned two langauges because my mother spoke both languag depending on the situation, ocassion or place. She is also a bilingual since birth too. -
Pre-school stage
I did not acquire a second language at pre-school. My teachers were not hispanic and spoke very good English. If anything I spoke differently there in comparison on how I spoke at home with my family. I was raised in a bilingual environment. I learned both langauges at home and was considered fully bilingual. English was reinforced at Pre-school. I was able to be part of many different scenarios in which I did not have any langauge barriers. I knew how to defend myself in either language. -
My development as a Spanish speaker
I was four years old when I learned how to speak. I spoke late and did not take any speach therapy for it. Supposedly my first words uttered was in Spanish and yet I knew English as well. I did not take any classes for any of the langauges. It seemed as though my language had equal fluency at the time. -
Christmas visits in Puerto Rico (Codeswitching eras)"Mira nena stop it!!"
During these stages in my life me and mom did a lot codeswitching .It happened almost naturally. it was our top secret language! My mom had the habit to make an automatic switch when it came to demands or scolding. We would change or mix the language if we did not want anyone tuning in into our converstaion, she'd speak English.My cousin in the flick spoke both languages.Codeswitching was used amongst ourselves. It would vary depending on situations, places (the setting) . -
My first year at Puerto Rico as an abiding citizen ( Balance of two languages)
I moved to Puerto Rico un hopes of bettering my future. I finished high school here and ended with better grades tan when I lived in Brooklyn. I was determined to become focused in my classes and obtain great qualifications. My language during this period was balanced I used English at school with the "GRINGOS" and I spoke Spanish to my fellow puerto rican classmates and peers. I believe I was more fluent in English but did pretty good in Spanish.l never depended on anybody for translations. -
Dominant bilingual vs Balanced bilingual
I believe during this period I was still overcoming new transitions with my Spanish. I was constanly learning new things and trying to perfect my Spanish skills that I had already learned since birth. Most people from here would say that I had a strong accent in English when I spoke Spanish but my message always came across fine. I knew how to read, write and speak since earlier years. The difference was learning the correct grammar and differentiate my two native languages. -
Teaching at a Center for drop outs
This is me reading aloud to my students children at a center for drop outs. I believe at this point I was a balanced bilingual. -
Working at a specialized bilingual school
I am currently working at a bilingual school teaching all subjects to fourth graders. I consider myself a balanced bilingual since I use both languages to read,speak, and write. Many people say I have a strong New York accent when I speak either language. I believe I have more fluency in English but I speak pretty good Spanish as well as my writing skills. I do not have any preference when speaking a langauge.I was brought up in a bilingual home where both languages were equally important. -
Present year 2012
Currently speaking I am a balanced bilingual that often codeswitches with my mother till this day. My household, my life, my job, and most people that surround me are bilingual except my dad's side of the family. I believe I was a simultaneous learner since the day I was born. As I child I had the ability to speak both languages naturally what differed was the fluency I had in English in comparison with my Spanish. I always had a New York accent almost all my life.