Early Americans

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    The Battles of Lexington and Concord

    one of the major battles during the American Revolution
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    The Winter at Valley Forge

    Washington and the US army camped out here during the winter and it was very harsh for them
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    Benedict Arnold turns traitor

    He turned his back on America and met with British officials
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    The Battle of Cowpens

    the British surrendered in Yorktown
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    The USS Constitution defeats the HMS Guerriere

    a naval battle between the British and American
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    The Battle of Baltimore

    a battle fought between the Americans and British during the 1812 war
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    The Adoption of the Star Spangled Banner as the National Anthem

    The song was written by Francis Scott Key
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    The Battle of New Orleans

    The Battle of New Orleans was a battle between the British and the young American army
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    The Election of Andrew Jackson

    he won by 55.5% of all votes
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    The Battle of the Alamo

    was a big battle in the American-Mexican war
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    Abraham Lincoln Elected President

    Even though he only had 40% of the population votes he still won due to electoral college
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    The First Battle of Bull Run

    it was a battle that was near DC an was one of many major battles
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    The Battle of Gettysburg

    It was one of the bloodiest battles of the civil war
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    The Treaty at Appomattox Courthouse

    this is where they signed the peace treaty
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    The sinking of the USS Maine

    a unknown explosion killed most of the crew on the ship