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Early American Writing

By gshav95
  • Sep 5, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    His first four voyages begun in 1492
  • A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of virginia

    A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of virginia
    written by Thomas Harriot it disscuss what you should do for a successful colony.
  • Puritans

    Many of the settlers in 1600s were puritans
  • First Permanent Colony

    First Permanent Colony
    The first permanet colony was establised at jamestown in 1607.
  • The Meeting of two Worlds

    The Meeting of two Worlds
    the earliest writers chronichled how the Europeans and Native Americans viewed the North American land.
  • Puritan Poetry

    Puritan Poetry
    the first book issued in the north american colonies was the "Bay Psalm Book"
  • The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America

    The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America
    First work by North amerian woman to be published
  • Enlightment

    A burst of intellectual energy taking place in the Europe that came to be knoen as the Enlightenment
  • First Great Awakening

    First Great Awakening
    This movemenet united colonists who were in other ways diverse.(1700s)
  • Loyalty to England(French and Indian War)

    Loyalty to England(French and Indian War)
    the first colonistts thought of themselves as english dubjects, even though they did not have representatives in the britsh parliment.
    (1759-1763 )
  • Period: to

    The pamphlet

    During this time period, about two thousand pamphlets were published.
  • The Stamp and Tea Act

    The Stamp and Tea Act
    British parliment imposed the Stamp Act and the Tea Act to gain revune from the colonies. Instead, these acts revolt. the Boston Tea Party was but one of many skirmishes leading to the Revolutionary War.
  • Patrikck Henry

    Patrikck Henry
    This Phillospher declaird" but as far as me, give me liberty, or give me death!"
  • A break with england

    A break with england
    the conlonies declared themselves to be free and independent and defeated one of the greatest millitary powers on earth top turn their declaration into reality.
  • Counstitution

    when the counstitution wasapproved, the united states was born.