Early American History Timeline

  • Boston Massacre

    5 colonist died in the Boston Massacre.
  • Battle of Lexington

    Paul Revere rode on land if William Dawes lit 1 lantern if he lit 2 Paul would go by sea.
  • Boston Tea Party

    A group of colonists disguised as indians threw 342 boxes of tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • Declaration of Independence Approved

    The Declaration of Independence was signed the biggest by John Hancock.
  • Constitutional Convention

    12 states sent colonists Rhode Island refused to send colonists .
  • Bill of ights Added

    Rhode Island was the last one to ratify.
  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    They are on a missionto explore Louisianaand the Missouri, and to find a safe route to the Pacific Ocean.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Jefferson sent James Monroe to Paris with an offerto purchase New Orleans.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    This was a war between Canada, Great Britain, America, and the Native Americans.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    moroe gave a speech warning Europe. Moroe named it after his self.