Early American Discrimination

  • Massacre at Mystic

    Massacre at Mystic
    The Massacre at Mystic was the first defeat of the Pequot people by the English in the Pequot War, a three-year war
  • The Scalp Act

    The Scalp Act
    Anyone who bought in a male scalp above the age of 12 would be given 150 pieces of eight or the equivalent of $150. For females above the age of 12 or males under the age of 12, they would be paid $130
  • The 3/5ths Compromise

    The 3/5ths Compromise
    It determined that three out of every five slaves was counted when determining a state's total population for legislative representation and taxation
  • Slave Trade Ends in the United States

    Slave Trade Ends in the United States
    AN act of Congress passed in 1800 made it illegal for Americans to engage in the slave trade between nations, and gave the U.S. authorities the right to seize slave ships which were caught transporting slaves and confiscate their cargo.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Battle of Tippecanoe
    A battle fought between the American forces under the command of Willian Henry Harrison, and Native American warriors under the leadership of Tenskwatawa
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    This drew a line from east to west along the 36th parallel dividing the nation into competing halves
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    An act authorizing the president to grant unsettled lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for the Indian lands within existing state borders
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Between 1830 and 1850, about 100,000 American indians living between Michigan, Louisiana, and Florida moved west after the U.S. government coerced treaties or used the U.S. Army against those resisting
  • Nat Turner Rebellion

    Nat Turner Rebellion
    An enslaved man led a rebellion of enslaved people. His action set off a massacre of up to 200 Black people and a new wave of oppressive legislation prohibiting the education, movement, and assembly of enslaved people
  • The Fugitive Slave Act

    The Fugitive Slave Act
    The fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was part of the Compromise of 1850. The act required that slaves be returned to their owners, even if they were in a free state
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    The Dread Scott v. Stanford was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court that held the Constitution did not extend the American citizenship to people of black African decent, and thus they could not enjoy the rights and privileges the Constitution conferred upon American citizens.
  • Emancipation Proclamation1

    Emancipation Proclamation1
    The Emancipation Proclamation, was a presidential proc lamation and executive order issued by Abraham Lincoln
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the U.S.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th Amendment granted citizenship to all persons "born or naturalized in the U.S."
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    The 15th Amendment granted African AMerican men the right to vote
  • Battle of Little Bighorn

    Battle of Little Bighorn
    A battle where some united Native Americans won against General Vuster's 7th cavalry
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    Battle of Wounded Knee
    It is one of the final chapters of America's long Indian wars, the U.S. Calvary kills 146 Sioux at Wounded Knee on the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota
  • Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Plessy vs. Ferguson
    A U.S. landmark where the Supreme Court decision ruling that racial segregation law did not violate the U.S. Constitution as long as the facilities for each race were equal in quality