Colombus Arrives
Columbus is the first European to arrive in the new world -
Jamestown Founded
- the first successful colony
Period: to
Sir Walter Raleigh Roanoke Island settled and disappears
The first colony made but it fails -
Period: to
Life of Anthony Johnson
Anthony Johnson was a black Angolan known for achieving wealth -
slavery begins in the English colonies:
The first slaves are brought into America -
Plymouth established with Mayflower Compact:
It was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony -
Pennsylvania Colony Established
Colony named after William Penns father
One of original 13 colonies
Found by William Penn -
Salem witch trials:
a series of hearings and prosecutions -
Period: to
First Great Awakening : religious revival in the British
American colonies -
Albany Plan by Ben Franklin begins to unite American Colonies:
The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to create a unified government for the Thirteen Colonies -
Period: to
7 Years War “French-Indian War”
A war between the French and the Indians -
Stamp Act
- tax on British colonies
- stamp on papers
- “join or die”
Boston Massacre
British soldiers in Boston killed 5 American colonist -
Boston Tea Party
- protest by Sons of Liberty -Boston, Massachusetts -tax on tea
- “no taxation without representation -Samuel Adams
First Continental Congress does NOT seek independence:
a meeting of delegates from 12 of the 13 British colonies -
Second Continental Congress DOES seek independence:
the group of leaders who worked to create the Declaration of Independence -
Battles of Lexington and concord
kicked off the American Revolutionary War -
Period: to
Britain surrenders Revolutionary War
This is the end of the war -
Period: to
Articles of Confederation
an agreement among the 13 original states -
Period: to
Shays’ Rebellion
Farmers rebelled -
Pennsylvania colony established:
William Penn settles now-a-day
Pennsylvania -
Period: to
Constitutional Convention
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Decision on how America was going to be governed • Was first arranged to edit the Articles of Confederation
Constitution Ratified
• Became the framework of the government of the US when New Hampshire 9th out of 13 states to ratify the Constitution -
Period: to
George Washington becomes First President
• “FATHER of our country
• Helped with the Constitution
• Commander of America during Revolutionary War -
Washington’s Farewell Address
Published 1796
• Letter written by President George
• -
Alien & Sedition Acts
• 4 laws passed by the federalists- dominated 5th United States Congress
• Signed by John Adams in 1798 -
Thomas Jefferson elected President
• 1801
• 3rd President -
Louisiana Purchase
• The US got the territory from France in 1803
• The US got 828,000 sq mi for 15,000,000 -
Period: to
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Aka Corps of Discovery Expedition
• Crossed the new eastern portion of the country after Louisiana Purchase -
Period: to
War of 1812
Eastern and Central North America
• Atlantic and Pacific Ocean
• James Madison was President
• The U.S, against the UK of Britain and Ireland and other allies -
Monroe Doctrine
US policy toward the Western Hemisphere
• Made in routine by President James Monroe in December 1823
• Told the Europeans that that US doesn’t allow colonization and puppet monarchs . -
Period: to
Missouri Compromise
Federal legislation
• Made Maine a free state
• Made Missouri a slave state
• Balanced the power between North and South in the US Senate
Andrew Jackson as President
• American soldier
• 17th President
• Democratic Party
• -
Frederick Douglas joins the abolitionist movement
• Escaped north to freedom at 20
• Settled in New Bedford, Massachusetts with wife
• Developed into a charismatic public speaker
• Anti- slavery movement -
Fugitive Slave Act passed
Passes in 1850 by Congress
• Part of the compromise of 1850
• Slaves to be returned to their owners, even if in a free state
• Made the federal government responsible for catching escaped slaves -
Compromise of 1850
5 separate bills passed by the US
• Political confrontation between slave and free states received in the Mexican- American War -
Uncle Tom’s Cabin published
Anti slavery novel
• 1852
• Book was in reaction to recently tightened fugitive slave laws -
Period: to
Bleeding Kansas
• War in Kansas territory
• Kansas and Missouri
• Political and ideological debate over the legality of my slavery -
Dread Scott decision
• Supreme Court of the US
• Rule was that slicing in a free state doesn’t mean a slaved person is free -
Period: to
Abraham Lincoln Elected President
• 16th President
• Republican -
Period: to 1865 BCE
Civil war
• Civil war between the US
• Fight between the northern states loyal to to the union
Emancipation Proclamation -
Lincoln Assassinated
• Shot and Killed at Ford Theater in Washington
• Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth -
Period: to
13th-15th Amendments pass, become law
• Known as the civil war amendments
• Were designed to ensure equality for recently emancipated slaves