Columbus arrives in America
Columbus sailed across the ocean looking for China. But he landed on America. -
Period: to
Sir Walter Raleigh Roanoke Island settled and disappears
Settlers arrive on Roanoke and mysteriously disappeared after 3 years, leaving only the word croatoan carved into a fence post. -
Jamestown establishment
104 men arrived in North America to start a settlement. -
Slavery started in English colonies in America.
This is when colonies in America started having slaves. -
Mayflower compact established
Adult male colonists signed the compact, as well as 2 indentured servants. -
Period: to
Life of Anthony Johnson in Virginia
Known as becoming wealthy in a Virginia settlement as a black Angolan. -
Pennsylvania colony established
A colony established by penn that provided religious freedom for Quaker’s. -
Salem witch trials
A series of trails and executions of people who perform witchcraft. -
Period: to
First great awakening
A movement that changed religion within the American colonies. -
Albany plan by Ben Franklin begins to unite colonies
This was a plan to create a unified government for the thirteen colonies. -
Period: to
French and Indian war
A war between England and France with Indians helping both sides. -
Tax on paper products -
Boston massacre
British soldiers shot 5 men apart of a protest. -
Boston tea party
American colonists were angry about a tax on tea. So they dumped chests of tea into Boston harbor. -
Battle of Lexington and concord
One of the first battles of the American revolutionary war -
First continental congress does not seek independence
Doesn’t want independence -
2nd continental congress does seek independence
Wanted independence -
Britain surrenders revolutionary war
British general cornwallis surrendered all 8,000 of his men. -
Articles of confederation
There was a confederation between all 13 of America’s states. -
Shays rebellion
A armed protest in Massachusetts because they didn’t like debt crisis. -
Period: to
Constitutional convention
This is where people decided how America would be governed. -
Constitution ratified
This is when American government started to have framework because New Hampshire decided to be the 9th state to ratify. -
George Washington becomes 1st president
George Washington who was a military general and founding father became 1st president. -
Washington’s farewell address
Washington’s warning about a rising of sectionalism in the government. -
Alien and sedition acts
4 laws passed by the congress amid fear of war with France. -
Thomas Jefferson elected president
Thomas Jefferson was elected 3rd president of the u.s. -
The Louisiana purchase
This was a land deal between North America and France. -
Period: to
Lewis and Clark expedition
Thomas Jefferson asked Lewis and Clark to explore west of the Mississippi. -
Period: to
The war of 1812
War between America and Britain over British violations. -
The Missouri compromise
This was admitting Missouri as a slave state. -
Monroe doctrine
This was Monroe’s 7th annual message to Congress. -
Andrew Jackson became president
Jackson was elected the 7th president of the u.s. -
Fred douglas joins the abolitionist movement
He began writing his own abolitionist new papers. -
Compromise of 1850
Henry Clay introduced some resolutions to avoid conflict between the north and south. -
Fugitive slave act was passed
This was passed by the congress as a part of the compromise of 1850. -
Uncle toms cabin was published
A book called uncle toms cabin was published in 1852. -
Period: to
Bleeding Kansas
This was a debate about if Kansas would become a slave state. -
Dread Scott decision
This was when they decided slaves were not citizens and could not sue. -
Abe becomes president
Abe is elected the 19th president of the u.s. -
Period: to
Civil war
A war fought between the north and south parts of North America. -
Emancipation proclamation
All slaves shall be free -
Lincoln assasinated
President Abe Lincoln was shot in the head. -
13-15 amendments passed
Signed to make sure slaves would be free.