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Early 20th Century Timeline

  • Compusary education becomes Massachusetts Law

    Compusary education becomes Massachusetts Law
  • The Morrill Act of 1862

    The Morrill Act of 1862
    AKA the Land Grant College Act - was a major boost to higher edcuation in America establishing major education institutions in every state to assure that education would be avilable to those in all socia classes.
  • Department of Education is Created

    Department of Education is Created
  • The Civil Rights Act Passes

    The Civil Rights Act Passes
    The 1875 passage was later delcared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court attempted to recognize the equality of all men before the law.
  • 2nd Morrill Act is Enacted

    2nd Morrill Act is Enacted
    The 2nd Morrill Act is enacted allowing for more complete endowment and support of the colleges through the sale of public lands. Also lead to the creation of the major HBC colleges.
  • The Association of American Universities is Founded

    The Association of American Universities is Founded
  • Jane Addams "The Public School ad the Immigrant Child" Published

    Jane Addams "The Public School ad the Immigrant Child" Published
  • First Junior High Opens

    First Junior High Opens
    To promote greater graduation rates, the Columbus Ohio School Board creates junior high schools to better group grades and promote learning stages.
  • First Montessori School Opens

    The first Montessori school opens in the U.S. Tarrytown, NY. Two years later Alexander Graham Bell and his wife Mabel found the Montessori Educational Association at their home to expand on the foundational design of Maria Montessori.
  • "A Critical Consideration of the New Pedagogy" is published. - Maria Montessori

    "A Critical Consideration of the New Pedagogy" is published. - Maria Montessori
  • John Watson published the article "Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It"

  • American Federation of Teachers Founded

    American Federation of Teachers Founded
  • US Declars War - Start of WW1

  • The U.S. Army conducts the first wide-scale IQ testing of adults.

    The U.S. Army conducts the first wide-scale IQ testing of adults.
  • "Scientific Method in Curriculum" is published. By Franklin Bobbitt

    "Scientific Method in Curriculum" is published. By Franklin Bobbitt
  • WW1 Ends

  • 19th Ammendment is Ratified - Women are given the right to vote.

    19th Ammendment is Ratified - Women are given the right to vote.
  • Max Wertheimer presents "Principles of Gestalt Theory"

    Gestalt Theory - emphasis on learning through insight and grasping with the whole concept later influcences views on cognitive learning and teaching
  • Tennessee vs. John Scopes "The Monkey Trail"

    Tennessee vs. John Scopes "The Monkey Trail"
  • Scholastic Aptitude Test first administered

    Scholastic Aptitude Test first administered
  • Jean Piagets "The Child's Conception of the World" published

    Jean Piagets "The Child's Conception of the World" published
  • John Dewey - My Pedagogic Creed Published

    John Dewey - My Pedagogic Creed Published
  • Dare the School Biold a New Social Order Published

    Dare the School Biold a New Social Order Published
    George S Counts publishes "Dare the School Biold a New Social Order"
  • US Declars War with Japan - Opening of WW2

  • Ralph Tyler Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Published

    Ralph Tyler Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction Published
  • Social learning theory developed by Albert Bandura

    Social learning theory developed by Albert Bandura