
Emerging National Identity

  • America's Free

    America's Free
    This was the day America was offically free from British rule. The Declartion of Independance
  • Barbary Pirates Capture Ship

    Barbary Pirates Capture Ship
    The Barbary Pirates capture a 21-manned ship and demand a ransom of $60k. He refused to pay, because he believed that if he payed the ransom, then they would capture more and demand for more money.
  • Period: to

    Term of George Washington

    During this Time Period, George Washington was in Office.
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    Battle of Fallen Timbers
    Washington found out 600 american soldiers were killed by native Americans, and he sent out an expedition, let by General Wayne, to get revenge. They built forts and forced the indians westward. This gave us the land in which they inhabited when they retreated
  • George Washingtons' Farewell Address

    George Washingtons' Farewell Address
    This letter was a letter of his resignation at the end of his second term, even though he was given the opportinity for a third term. This letter also contained advice for future presidents about foreign policies, Politcial parties, only 2 terms in office, and the differences in states.
  • Period: to

    John Adams Term in Office

    This was the term of John Adams
  • XYZ Affair (Date not Specified)

    XYZ Affair (Date not Specified)
    This was a meeting between John Marshall, Elbridge Gerry, and Charles Cotesworth Pinckney (Americans), and 3 Representatives known as X, Y, and Z. XYZ tried to make the Americans to pay a bribe of $250k, before they can offically talk to the French Government.
  • Period: to

    Quasi-War With France

    During the period the US was in an unoffical war with France, with the British as an unoffical ally. It was started because the US was offended that the French seized American ships and immensed them without paying tribute, and tryign to make the US pay a 200k dollar bribe to stop them. The "war" was stopped by a convention to terminate the alliance with Britian and a full-scale war
  • Revolution of 1800

    Revolution of 1800
    This was the day when Thomas Jefferson, the first non-federalist president, was put into office. This was considered a revolution, because most believed it would lead the US into either prosperity or ruin. This was the day when a different political party was in office
  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson Term in office

    This was the time when Jefferson was in office
  • Period: to

    James Madison Term

  • Peace with Pirates (no specific date)

    Peace with Pirates (no specific date)
    America agreed to pay tribute of $60k to the pirates up until 1815, when William Bainbridge and Stephen Decatur wrote a treaty to end the annual tribute.
  • Period: to

    James Monroe term

    March 4, 1817 – March 4, 1825
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    On October 1823 Monroe (president) was in concern of Spain trying the reclaim sovereignty in the Western Hemisphere. Monroe's declaration of policy toward Europe didn't become to be known as the Monroe Doctrine until after 30 years that is was proclaimed. In the 1900's S the U.S emerged as a world power and the Monroe Doctrine became the foundation of U.S foreign policy. Roosevelt had also added the " The Roosevelt Corollary" to the Monroe Doctrine in 1904- which had the exclusive right to inte