Earl Warren was born.
He was born in Los Angeles, California to Matt and Christine Warren. He lived most of his childhood in Bakersfield. He attended local schools. Well before he went into high school, he was determined to become a lawyer. That was jsut the beginning of his successful career. -
Graduated from Univeristy of California, Berkeley
Earl Warren majored in political science for three years. He recieved his B.A. Degree in 1912. -
Recieved his J.D. Degree
Earl Warren recieved his J.D. Degree from University of California, Berkely's school of Law, Boalt Hall. -
Admitted Into the California Bar
After getting his law degrees, Earl Warren was admitted into the California bar. He then worked in law offices in San Fransico and Oakland for awhile. It was the only time he ever was engaged in private practices. -
Deputy City Attorney of Oakland
In 1919, Earl Warren became Deputy City Attorney of Oakland and began his life in the public service. -
Married Nina Palmquist Meyers
Earl Warren and Nina Palmquist Meyers were married on October 4, 1925. Nina was a Swedish-born widow and together they had six children. Nina died in Washington, at age 100 on April 24, 1993. Earl Warren is the father of Virginia Warren. She married veteran radio and television personality John Charles Daly, on December 22, 1960. They had three children, two boys and a girl. -
Appointed Alameda County District Attorney
In 1925, Warren was appointed district attorney of Alameda County. Warren was re-elected to three four-year terms. Warren vigorously investigated allegations that a deputy sheriff was taking bribes in connection with street-paving arrangements. -
Won the Election as Attorney General of California
Elected Governor of California
Earl Warren was elected to be the 30th Governor of California. He reamined Governor until 1953. He was the only Governor of Claifornia to ever be elected for three successive terms in 1942, 1946 and 1950. In 1946 he was the only governor in our history to win an election unopposed. He won the Democratic, Republican and Progressive primiaries. -
Became 14th Chief Justice of the United States
On this day, President Dwight D. Eisenhower was appoined to become a Chief Justice of the United States. When Cheif Justic Fred Vinson died, Eisenhower promised Warren the first open seat on the Supreme Court. By being on the Supreme Court, he was asked to be head of the commission that investigated the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. However, he reluctantly agreed to the request due to the fact that he was uncomfortable in being part of the investigation. -
Retired from the Supreme Court
After fifteen years of service on the Supreme Court, Earl Warren offically retired. -
Earl Warren Died
At the age of 83, Earl Warren died in Washington, D.C. on July 9, 1974.