EAH Timeline

  • Roanoke Colony Founded

  • Jamestown Founded

  • John Smith released from Powhatan

  • John Smith takes charge of Jamestown

  • Headright system encourages people to come to VA

  • House of Burgesses established in VA

  • Jamestown surrenders its charter and becomes a Royal colony

  • Quebec founded

  • Period: to

    VA closes down all paths to legal freedom for slaves

  • VA law says children follow slave status of mother

  • English take New Netherland from the Dutch

  • Royal African Company founded

  • VA House of Burgesses says religious conversion can't bring freedom to slaves

  • Period: to

    Covenant Chain ties New Yorkers to natives

  • Marquette discovers the Mississippi River

  • Lords of Trade appointed to oversee colonial affairs

  • King Phillip's War

  • West Jersey Concessions drafted by William Penn, create a government with Quaker ideals

  • France claims the Mississippi River Valley

  • Period: to

    Dominion of New England formed and ruled dictatorially by Edmund Andros

  • Glorious Revolution reasserts Parliamentary supremacy

  • Quakers issue protests against slavery

  • Colonies boycott British goods

  • New MA charter starts to transform political structure

  • Period: to

    Salem Witch Trials

  • The Selling of Joseph- first anti-slavery tract printed in America

  • Period: to

    Queen Anne's War, War of Jenkin's Ear, King George War

  • Boston News Letter established

  • first slave uprising

  • Yamassee uprising

  • VA revokes voting of property owning free blacks

  • PA Gazette established

  • 2/3 of South Carolina's population is black

  • Oglethorpe establishes Georgia

  • Molasses Act

  • Walking Purchase in PA pulls rug out from under lenni Lenape

  • Stono Rebellion

  • Indigo introduced as a plantation crop

  • Slave rebellion panic in New York

  • South Carolina population is majority black

  • Georgia becomes a crown colony and slavery becomes legal in GA

  • Period: to

    Seven Year's War

  • destruction of native villages in PA

  • Proclamation of 1763

  • Sugar Act

  • Stamp Act

  • Declaratory Act

  • Townshend Acts

  • 1/5 of people in British colonies are African descendents

  • Boston Massacre

  • Tea Act and Boston Tea Party

  • Quebec Act denounced

  • Continental Congress

  • Committees begin coordinating communication between colonies

  • Surrender of Fort Ticonderoga to Continental forces

  • Dunmore Proclamation

  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

  • Invasion of British Canada

  • Everyone is "liberty mad"

  • Declaration of Independence

  • Thomas Paine writes Common Sense

  • "The Wealth of Nations" published

  • John Adams' "Thoughts on Government" argues for a balanced government

  • Abigail Adams writes "Don't forget the ladies" to her husband

  • Period: to

    Merchants hoard goods during the war

  • Battle of Saratoga

  • Vermont's Constitution bans slavery and does not require men to own land or pay taxes to vote

  • War for Independence shifts south which bodes ill for the British

  • Americans form alliance in war with Catholic France

  • Jefferson proposes the VA Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom

  • Congress urges states to fix inflation problem

  • Colonies begin to move toward a free market

  • Judith Sargent Murray writes "Equality of the Sexes"

  • MA Constitution adopted

  • VA law rewards veterans of the War for Independence with 300 acres of land and a slave

  • Most states require yearly elections an da majority of the white male population can vote

  • Period: to

    Mutinies against the American Army

  • Period: to

    Some VA and MD slave owners emancipate their slaves

  • Battle of Yorktown

  • Articles of Confederation ratified

  • Deborah Sampson enlists in Continental Army

  • Treaty of Paris ends Revolutionary War

  • Phillis Wheatley writes "My love of freedom"

  • Land Ordinance of 1784 establishes stages of self government for the West

  • Fort Stanwix Treaty signed

  • Second Land Ordinance regulates land sales north of the Ohio River

  • Jefferson's "Notes on the State of VA" claim that African Americans are "deficient in capacity for self control"

  • Delegates from six states meet in Annapolis to discuss trade; agree to meet in Philadelphia the following year

  • Period: to

    Shay's Rebellion

  • Constitutional Convention scraps Articles of Confederation; Constitution signed and sent to states for ratification

    Constitution includes 3/5 clause, Slave Trade Clause, and Fugitive Slave Clause
  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787 pledges "utmost good faith" to the Indians but still takes their land

  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787

  • Period: to

    Federal government invests in canals which reduces transportation costs

  • Federalist Papers

  • Constitution Ratified

  • French Revolution starts

    complicates relationship w/ US, US decides to stay neutral
  • 200,000 Natives still live East of the Mississippi River

  • beginning of Haitian slave revolt

  • African American population exceeds Indian population

  • Naturalization Act defines citizens as white men

  • First factory in America est. in RI

  • Period: to

    Hamilton's Economic Plan

  • Period: to

    Washington gives tools to natives to help "promote civilization"

  • Period: to

    Movement West- 6 new states

  • America's first Roman Catholic Bishop visits Boston

  • Bill of Rights presented to Congress

  • Slave Revolution in Haiti starts

  • Little Turtle leads Miana Confederation against army

  • Mary Wollstonecraft publishes "A Vindication of the Rights of Women"

  • Fugitive Slave Act- local officials have to return runaway slaves

  • Fletcher v Peck

  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    most of Ohio and Indiana ceded to federal government
  • Pinckney's Treaty

  • Treaty of Greenville

  • John Adams becomes President

  • American diplomats sent to Paris to negotiate a treaty

  • Quasi war as French seize American vessels in Caribbean

  • Alien and Sedition Acts

  • Ben Franklin and Quakers Petition to abolish slavery

  • Gabriel's Rebellion

  • Indentured servitude no longer a system of labor

  • Period: to

    Native American "Age of Prophesy"

  • Period: to

    Cotton Kingdom

    Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin allows for slavery to grow
  • Period: to

    4 million people immigrate to US

  • Sedition Act expires

  • Jefferson takes office as President

  • Period: to

    Barbary Wars

  • Marbury v Madison

  • Fighting between Britain and France resumes

  • Louisiana Purchase

  • Haiti becomes an independent nation

  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark expedition

  • Embargo Act

  • American exports plummet 80%

  • Congress prohibits further importation of slaves, as per the Slave Trade Clause in the Constitution

  • Slave trade abolished

  • Period: to

    Spain's colonies rebel and establish independent nations

  • Embargo reimposed

  • Madison proposes the "American System"

  • Period: to

    War of 1812

  • Factory in Waltham, MA uses power looms

  • Period: to

    2 million slaves sold in South

  • Spain sells Florida to Spain

  • Missouri Compromise

  • Beginning of Mormonism

  • Period: to

    Working Man's Party

    calls for free public education and end of debtor's prison
  • Period: to

    States disenfranchise free African Americans

  • Period: to

    Missouri forces Native inhabitants to move

  • Monroe extends diplomatic recognition to new nations in South America

  • Monroe Doctrine

  • John Quincy Adams wins presidency

  • Erie Canal

  • First commercial railroad

  • Indian Removal Act

  • Jackson elected President

  • Tariff of 1828 raises prices, SC threatens to secede

  • Period: to

    Telegraph invented

  • Period: to

    Temperance Movement

  • Period: to

    critics of colonization want to get rid of racism and slavery as a whole

  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

  • The Liberator founded by William Lloyd Garrison

  • Last Native American resistance to white movement West

  • Jackson wins reelection

  • American Anti Slavery Society Founded

  • Van Buren elected President

  • Panic of 1837

  • Sermon for the West leads to burning of a Catholic Convent

  • Period: to

    Trail of Tears

  • Amistad Rebellion

  • Period: to

    Second Seminole War

  • Harrison elected to presidency (then promptly dies)

  • Period: to

    black abolitionists seek an independent role within the movement

  • Period: to

    Price of prime land rises and makes more difficult for poor whites to become slave holders

  • Dorr War

  • Commonwealth v Hunt allows unions

  • Polk elected President

  • Texas becomes a state

  • Last slaves in Connecticut are freed

  • Seneca Falls Convention

  • CA Gold Rush starts

  • 1850 Compromise

  • Majority of slave owning families own 5 or less slaves

  • Democratic Review says universal suffrage is for white men of age

  • Pierce elected president

  • Kansas Nebraska Act

  • Court Case ends school segregation in MA

  • Buchanan elected President

  • Dred Scott case

  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

  • John Brown raid at Harper's Ferry

  • RI last state to have property requirements for voting

  • NY Law enables women to sign contracts

  • Lincoln elected President

  • Fort Sumter- Civil War begins