Roanoke Colony Founded
Jamestown Founded
John Smith released from Powhatan
John Smith takes charge of Jamestown
Headright system encourages people to come to VA
House of Burgesses established in VA
Jamestown surrenders its charter and becomes a Royal colony
Quebec founded
Period: to
VA closes down all paths to legal freedom for slaves
VA law says children follow slave status of mother
English take New Netherland from the Dutch
Royal African Company founded
VA House of Burgesses says religious conversion can't bring freedom to slaves
Period: to
Covenant Chain ties New Yorkers to natives
Marquette discovers the Mississippi River
Lords of Trade appointed to oversee colonial affairs
King Phillip's War
West Jersey Concessions drafted by William Penn, create a government with Quaker ideals
France claims the Mississippi River Valley
Period: to
Dominion of New England formed and ruled dictatorially by Edmund Andros
Glorious Revolution reasserts Parliamentary supremacy
Quakers issue protests against slavery
Colonies boycott British goods
New MA charter starts to transform political structure
Period: to
Salem Witch Trials
The Selling of Joseph- first anti-slavery tract printed in America
Period: to
Queen Anne's War, War of Jenkin's Ear, King George War
Boston News Letter established
first slave uprising
Yamassee uprising
VA revokes voting of property owning free blacks
PA Gazette established
2/3 of South Carolina's population is black
Oglethorpe establishes Georgia
Molasses Act
Walking Purchase in PA pulls rug out from under lenni Lenape
Stono Rebellion
Indigo introduced as a plantation crop
Slave rebellion panic in New York
South Carolina population is majority black
Georgia becomes a crown colony and slavery becomes legal in GA
Period: to
Seven Year's War
destruction of native villages in PA
Proclamation of 1763
Sugar Act
Stamp Act
Declaratory Act
Townshend Acts
1/5 of people in British colonies are African descendents
Boston Massacre
Tea Act and Boston Tea Party
Quebec Act denounced
Continental Congress
Committees begin coordinating communication between colonies
Surrender of Fort Ticonderoga to Continental forces
Dunmore Proclamation
Battle of Lexington and Concord
Invasion of British Canada
Everyone is "liberty mad"
Declaration of Independence
Thomas Paine writes Common Sense
"The Wealth of Nations" published
John Adams' "Thoughts on Government" argues for a balanced government
Abigail Adams writes "Don't forget the ladies" to her husband
Period: to
Merchants hoard goods during the war
Battle of Saratoga
Vermont's Constitution bans slavery and does not require men to own land or pay taxes to vote
War for Independence shifts south which bodes ill for the British
Americans form alliance in war with Catholic France
Jefferson proposes the VA Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom
Congress urges states to fix inflation problem
Colonies begin to move toward a free market
Judith Sargent Murray writes "Equality of the Sexes"
MA Constitution adopted
VA law rewards veterans of the War for Independence with 300 acres of land and a slave
Most states require yearly elections an da majority of the white male population can vote
Period: to
Mutinies against the American Army
Period: to
Some VA and MD slave owners emancipate their slaves
Battle of Yorktown
Articles of Confederation ratified
Deborah Sampson enlists in Continental Army
Treaty of Paris ends Revolutionary War
Phillis Wheatley writes "My love of freedom"
Land Ordinance of 1784 establishes stages of self government for the West
Fort Stanwix Treaty signed
Second Land Ordinance regulates land sales north of the Ohio River
Jefferson's "Notes on the State of VA" claim that African Americans are "deficient in capacity for self control"
Delegates from six states meet in Annapolis to discuss trade; agree to meet in Philadelphia the following year
Period: to
Shay's Rebellion
Constitutional Convention scraps Articles of Confederation; Constitution signed and sent to states for ratification
Constitution includes 3/5 clause, Slave Trade Clause, and Fugitive Slave Clause -
Northwest Ordinance of 1787 pledges "utmost good faith" to the Indians but still takes their land
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
Period: to
Federal government invests in canals which reduces transportation costs
Federalist Papers
Constitution Ratified
French Revolution starts
complicates relationship w/ US, US decides to stay neutral -
200,000 Natives still live East of the Mississippi River
beginning of Haitian slave revolt
African American population exceeds Indian population
Naturalization Act defines citizens as white men
First factory in America est. in RI
Period: to
Hamilton's Economic Plan
Period: to
Washington gives tools to natives to help "promote civilization"
Period: to
Movement West- 6 new states
America's first Roman Catholic Bishop visits Boston
Bill of Rights presented to Congress
Slave Revolution in Haiti starts
Little Turtle leads Miana Confederation against army
Mary Wollstonecraft publishes "A Vindication of the Rights of Women"
Fugitive Slave Act- local officials have to return runaway slaves
Fletcher v Peck
Battle of Fallen Timbers
most of Ohio and Indiana ceded to federal government -
Pinckney's Treaty
Treaty of Greenville
John Adams becomes President
American diplomats sent to Paris to negotiate a treaty
Quasi war as French seize American vessels in Caribbean
Alien and Sedition Acts
Ben Franklin and Quakers Petition to abolish slavery
Gabriel's Rebellion
Indentured servitude no longer a system of labor
Period: to
Native American "Age of Prophesy"
Period: to
Cotton Kingdom
Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin allows for slavery to grow -
Period: to
4 million people immigrate to US
Sedition Act expires
Jefferson takes office as President
Period: to
Barbary Wars
Marbury v Madison
Fighting between Britain and France resumes
Louisiana Purchase
Haiti becomes an independent nation
Period: to
Lewis and Clark expedition
Embargo Act
American exports plummet 80%
Congress prohibits further importation of slaves, as per the Slave Trade Clause in the Constitution
Slave trade abolished
Period: to
Spain's colonies rebel and establish independent nations
Embargo reimposed
Madison proposes the "American System"
Period: to
War of 1812
Factory in Waltham, MA uses power looms
Period: to
2 million slaves sold in South
Spain sells Florida to Spain
Missouri Compromise
Beginning of Mormonism
Period: to
Working Man's Party
calls for free public education and end of debtor's prison -
Period: to
States disenfranchise free African Americans
Period: to
Missouri forces Native inhabitants to move
Monroe extends diplomatic recognition to new nations in South America
Monroe Doctrine
John Quincy Adams wins presidency
Erie Canal
First commercial railroad
Indian Removal Act
Jackson elected President
Tariff of 1828 raises prices, SC threatens to secede
Period: to
Telegraph invented
Period: to
Temperance Movement
Period: to
critics of colonization want to get rid of racism and slavery as a whole
Nat Turner's Rebellion
The Liberator founded by William Lloyd Garrison
Last Native American resistance to white movement West
Jackson wins reelection
American Anti Slavery Society Founded
Van Buren elected President
Panic of 1837
Sermon for the West leads to burning of a Catholic Convent
Period: to
Trail of Tears
Amistad Rebellion
Period: to
Second Seminole War
Harrison elected to presidency (then promptly dies)
Period: to
black abolitionists seek an independent role within the movement
Period: to
Price of prime land rises and makes more difficult for poor whites to become slave holders
Dorr War
Commonwealth v Hunt allows unions
Polk elected President
Texas becomes a state
Last slaves in Connecticut are freed
Seneca Falls Convention
CA Gold Rush starts
1850 Compromise
Majority of slave owning families own 5 or less slaves
Democratic Review says universal suffrage is for white men of age
Pierce elected president
Kansas Nebraska Act
Court Case ends school segregation in MA
Buchanan elected President
Dred Scott case
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
John Brown raid at Harper's Ferry
RI last state to have property requirements for voting
NY Law enables women to sign contracts
Lincoln elected President
Fort Sumter- Civil War begins