E1CW The origins of the cold war 1945-49

  • russia withdrawl ww1 1917

    1917 bolshevik rev
    had at home war, red vs whites
    red being commies- whites were helped by usa, gbr and france who sent troops but were also still fghtng in ww1
    'white paper'
  • ussr formed 1922

    became a pariah state- shunned by the rest of the world
  • ford car factory in ussr 1929

  • stalin cult of personality

    takes after lennin- who takes marxism and makes it from a theory into practice.
    'cult of personality'- stalin makes himself as the interpreter of communism.
    21 dec 1929 starting point- his 50th bday
  • diplomatic relations 1933

    william bullet and john kennet first diplomats sent to ussr.
    high hopes quickly disheartened saw stalins brutal surges. killed all they worked with
  • molotov- ribbentrop pact

    non aggrs- between ussr and germ.
    ussr- buying more time- ends 1941 with operation barbarosa
  • ussr invade finland

    dec 1939, hard for usa and gbr who offer military support,
    ussr occupy lithuan, latv, estonia by summer
  • poland invaded 1939

    by ger- gbr and fr declare war= ww2 begins
  • poland gov exile to lond 1939

    replaced by lublin commitee when stalin had control/ liberated east eu- easier for him to control
    didn't help pols immediately- summer 1944, ensure ss kill all army and no-commies
  • operation barbarosa jun 1941

    germn invade ussr jun1941, when marriage of convnce forms
    usa and gbr provided and form alliance over night, give planes
    usa- lend lease offer aid
    brit 15% planes fight in moscow were gbr planes
  • pearl harbour bombed

    dec 1941, jpn bomb pearl harbour, usa join the war
  • invsn plan

    stalin wanted second front, relieve pressure on ussr
    roosevelt prom by 1942- fail, not enough weapons or manpwr
    stalin said west afraid of germans
    churchill said 2nd front to open, west afr nov 1942
  • 9/10 casualties on ger done by red army

    wehrmacht 191 divisions on west front 1943
    only 7 in west africa
    9/10 casualties done to a german was by red army.
  • tehran conference

    3 met- ussr, usa, gbr
    west assure stalin, west invasion of fr due by may 1944
    stalin launch invasion east to coincide with this attack
  • italy liber

    by allies- land in Sicily, july 1943
    german troops seize cap, allies march on rome
    stalin wanted to be involvd, allies said no
    stalin unfair that commies not involv, so told palmiro togilatti- ldr of itln comm party to make coalition with socialist party.
  • churchill worries of ussr

    had worries which he adressed with his foreing secret- anthony eden, force and facts are only realities for sovs/ commies.
    ussr threat to brit imperialism so usa and gbr to make alliance to stop this threat.
  • ACCs

    allied control comissions
    provisional govs in countries- dominated by liberator.
  • fr libera

    by allies
    charles de gaulle leader of free france
    made pact with ussr dec 1944- france soviet trty of alliance and mutual assistance
    commies played huge part in resistance against ger
    maurice- ldr of commies
  • percentages agreement oct 1944

    made between stalin and churchill in secret on scrap paper. percentage each gets of country, influence
    e.g. 10% greece ussr, 90% gbr
    romania- ussr hands
  • IMF

    international monetary fund
    provides economic stability, exchange rate stability
    finacl asstnc
    44 countires in the aftermath of the great depressn
    bretton woods
  • world bank

    prvds finacl and techncl assstnce to dvlpng countries for dvlpmnt prgrms
    bretton woods - help rebuild eu and jpn after ww2
  • stalin spy network

    was more alert and had upper hand in yalta- he had info on uk- cambridge 5 and usa- alger hiss (commie spy)- made it into american delegation
    already knew about a-bomb b4 they announced it.
  • poland liberated

    by ussr- crossed east frontier jan 1944
    annexed territory and moved pol borders east west of oder neisse border
    instal lublin committee- commies
  • Yugoslavia liber

    by ussr- had TITO and his commies before, very good at fghtng gers, brits gave them weapons.
    partisan troops
  • czechslovakia liber

    by ussr
    felt betrayed by gbr and fr munich accords- let ger invade 1938
    edward benes former presdnt in exile in london negot with stalin- placed commie in charge, but benes president.
    commies 8 seats in cabinet- quite influential
  • greece liber

    by west
    elas- partisan group- ppls liberat grp
    tito and stalin want to set up gov like yugoslav
    stalin stopped titio- bcuz of percentages agrmnt.
  • romania liberated

    by ussr- king tried to negotiate, if second front to open in balkans- it didnt
    russia annex bassarabia and north bukovina.
  • findland liber

    had to declare war on gers
    strng to give reperations
    commies vry weak , only one in cabinet
  • bulgaria liber

    by usse- sept 1944
    acc = allied control commissions 28 oct
    local commies gain pwr and success, comm revolt, execut 10,000 former ruling class, larg frms taken by peasants
  • the morgenthau plan

    by usa treasury secretary- henry morenthau
    suggstd post surrend plan for ger
    austria return pre 1940 borders
    ger demilit and deindustr
    ruhr- strpd of mine and pop to redistribu
    no repert to be paid- instd taken in shape of resources
  • grand alliance- anti ussr molotov

    grand alliance anti-ussr- foreign minister, vyachestov molotov
  • ernest beven- atlee foreign secrtr

  • assistant secre Dean G Acheson july 1945

    eu international problem- threat to stability based on democ and capitalsm
    july 1945
  • usa-gbr wants yalta feb 1945

    collctv security (UNfounded)
    long term co-op ussr
    germny reconstruc
    world reconstruct IMF and world bank
  • YALTA Conference feb 1945

    grand alliance- met in yalt- russian resort in crimea
    marriage of convenience, usa, ussr, gbr,
    4-11 feb- high point of allie co-op
    churchill, roosevelt, stalin
    agree split ger= 4 zones
    ussr gain land, poland, move border north, west of oder, neisse border
  • ussr want from yalta feb 1945

    stalin want ussr to control own destiny
    co-op with anglo-usa
    germ to remain weak
    ussr- econom reconstruc
    ussr security- through comm spheres
  • ww2 sov deaths

    25 mill people died, stalin felt he needed reperations, and major destruct of towns and cities.
  • ussr reperations

    to receive 10% for nothing, 15% in exchange for supply of food and materials- got the poorest part of ger, $20 bn total
  • Hungary liber

    by ussr, red army crossed frontier sep 1944
    elections in 1945 - comm party only 17% votes despite presence of red army.
    3 key posts in gov
    stalin remove anything that can be reperations- sceptical wthr they should be in sov sphere of influence
  • the provisional gov of national unity

    poland showed sign planning of stalin
    gov exist in exile in lond
    made a joined gov- lublin committee
    formed gov of nat unity- allowed to test - used parties from both political spectrum
    peasant party led by STANISLAW MIKOLAJCZYK
    commies wknd them by from link ussr
    not all pols coms- pro sov- pol deputy pm- pol should be incharge own future, fough for own indep- ussr rid of him 'nationalist deviation'
  • brit zone 22.5 mill ppl

    large pop/ difficult to feed- including ruhr- important
  • usa dvlpm a-bomb

    16 july 1945- test in Almogordo new-mexico
  • Period: to


    17 july- 1 aug
    atlee, truman, stalin
    co-op broke
    truman didn't want to baby sovts
    war against jpn continue- usa dvlp a-bomb day before meeting.
    no longer term plams for ger
    ger- 5ds, demilitr, denazif, democrat, decentral,deindustr
    ussr recieve repert from its zone and 25% from west- got poorest part of ger.
  • UN Founded 24 oct 1945

    in san francisco california, usa
    after 29 nations had ratified the charter
  • molotov= usa imperialistic power

    abandoned liberated eu at yalta.
    regard eachother as threat to security
    us foreign policy dependent on econom dominance
  • czech commies elect may 1946

    relatively free, won 38% votes
    ww2 left country in economic chaos and mass unemployemnt
    comm better prospect than captls
    peasants- large nbs, met their needs.
  • germ pop increase to 43.6 mill

    compared with the 39.3, mill in may 1939
    worst prob was housing- by 1943- .5 mill housing units out of the 16 mill were in the area that was to become 3 western zones.
    by 1945 , 2.3 mill had been completely destroyed.
  • NIkolai Nokivov sep 1946

    usa econ imperialism- expansionist, plan make states depend
    ussr foreign minister sep 1946

    lucius clay- office of military gof for us
    eisenhower first commander and lucius clay is deputy.
    ensure political initiatives were implemented
    remove nazis, monitor appointmnt of officials.
    dismantld 1949
  • The long telegram 22 feb 1946

    george kennan officer us in moscow embsy
    fall of ussr-usa inevitble
    stln demonise west- villan instd of jpn and ger-ppl minds
    ussr saw west as hostile and aggrsv
    usa take proactive role in eu
    ready to use force and ensure unity of allies
  • iron curtain speech 6 march 1946

    by churchill- drct attack on sovs
    stalin= churchill is war mongoering
    speech in fulton missori- usa
  • Cominform sep 1947

    commie information bureau- comm counties and heads of parties- give information to ussr
    made zhdanov doctrine
    can be seen as a direct response to the marshall plan and truman doctrine.
  • paris peace conf july 1947

    where they were offered the marshall plan- establish new world order after ww2 fully done,
    sept establish cominform, east eu govs who wantd marshall aid told by stalin no- reverse decision
    need tighten grip on eu
  • adrei zhandov usa objct nov 1947

    create western bloc with ger centre as american protectorate
  • Zhandov doctrine

    viewed world as two camps- imperialist usa and democrat ussr.
  • william clayton econ view of eu may 1947

    many starving and stuggling, reinforced dean g acheson view- assistant secretary of usa
    without us aid- eu disintegrates on regional scale
    may 1947
  • Bulgaria commie

    manipul elect, frrcd removl opponts, comm opposed agrarian party, nikol petrov won 20% votes
    but executd- party absorbed by commie
    april 1947 all political parties banned
  • X article

    systematic and focused containment of ussr expans
    george kennan- ussr agrsv policies
    resonated with truman
    called x because he feared repercussions. lack of free speech
  • prague-czechslv marshall plan

    stalin summoned him at 11pm to go kremlin- if by 4am he doesnt decide not go to paris peace conf and rjct marshall plan= serious consequences
  • french com party 1.7mill 1947

    econ crisis= rise in support
  • bizonia jan 1947

    merged usa and gbr zones
  • truman doctrine 12 march 1947

    international relations- 1947
    institutionalised suspicion for 25 yrs
    intro for greece but not only..
    made countries depend on usa
    demonise ussr
    turn usa superpower
    help containment
    march 12 1947
  • Marshall plan june 1947

    by William Clayton- us eccon affair guy
    5 June 1947, Marshall unveiled plan. erp european recovery program
    next 5yrs Marshall plan gives $13.5 bill to 16 EU countries. not only money but goods.
    condition on aid- some had to be spent on us goods
    had to share info with USA
    promoted EU unity and USA econ
    20% loans
    80% grants
  • ussr buffer zone complete?

    by 1948 managed to make buffer zone through satellites
  • yugoslav kicked out comecon

    tito- partisan grp fought for independ, commies but didnt want to be sov puppets
    stalin-josep broz tito, trouble, stalin want intro foreign and econ policies.
    jun 1948
  • london conference

    june 1948- intro of deutchsmark aswell in west germ
    ger should have own constituen assmbly
  • berlin blockade

    june 1948-may 1949
    all railraods and roads into west berlin- cutoff
    stalin triggered due to new currency introduced.
    underestimated usa's determ to remain in eu and ger
    supplied coal and food to ppl
    built a new airport
  • NATO created april 1949

    april 1949
  • Alexander Panyushk on NATO

    soviet ambassador to us- nato huge threat and agrssv organis, threaten states and bully into compliance
  • NSC-68 1950

    Militarised cold war- in nuke arsenal but also in conventional forces
    to match the threat of Sov union
    strengthen the allies- NATO
  • stalin death march 1953

    krschv - eventually in power but power vacuum between beria- head of army , krschv and some other men, bulgarin
  • european coal and steel community 1957