Nejat UYGUR was born.
Nejat UYGUR started to do sport.
Nejat UYGUR started with boxing at Sarıyer Community Center and his interest in sports increased. -
Nejat UYGUR started to do theatre.
He stepped into the theater professionally with the "Nejat Uygur Theatre". -
Nejat UYGUR got married.
Nejat UYGUR got married with Nejla UYGUR. -
Nejat UYGUR get prize.
Nejat UYGUR received the title of State Artist given by the Ministry of Culture. -
Nejat UYGUR got prize(2)
Nejat UYGUR getAvni Dilligil Theatre Revards and Belkıs Dilligil Revard. -
Nejat UYGUR got prize(3)
Nejat UYGUR got Kemal Sunal Culture and Art Award. "Best Theater Actor" -
Nejat UYGUR got prize(4)
Nejat UYGUR got Golden Butterfly TV Stars Contest - "Theatre Support Year Special Award" -
Nejat UYGUR died.