Feb 13, 1020
Lief Ericson died
Oct 13, 1451
Chritopher Columbus born
Feb 13, 1460
Juan Ponce de Leon born
That was the day the explorerthat went to go find the "The Foutin of Youth" was born -
Feb 18, 1492
Christopher columbus landed
APROXIMITE TIME: that was the aproximite landing time for when he landed -
Apr 2, 1513
Juan Ponce de Leon landed
that was the day he landed in florida -
Jul 20, 1521
Juan Ponce de Leon died
The way he died was he was attacked by indians -
George Washington born
That was the day the first presidant was born and he didn't know -
Paul Revere born
That was the day that Paul Reveare was born -
Thomas Jefferson born
That was the eday our third presidant was born Thomas Jefferson -
The Boston Massacare happend
It was the event that lead up to the revalutionary war -
The Boston Tea party
Declaration of Indapendance made
That was the day we had our freedom -
The Siege of YourkTown
I coudlent get the exact date but the importence of it was that we got the red coats out of here -
the sige of yourk town
I coudlent get the exact date but the importence of it was that we got the red coats out of here -
Bill of Rights made
George Washington died
That was a sad moment because he foght for our contary and became presidant and died 8 years after becoming presidant -
Paul Revere died
That was the day that Paul Reveare died -
Thomas Jefferson died
That was the day Thomas Jefferson died our third presidant -
Lief Ericson born