The ''Black Ship'' Open Japan
The Japan signed a trade treaty with the U.S. -
A Strong Independent Nation
The new Japan understood that being a strong and prosperous nation was the only way to preserve its independence and unique culture. -
America Becomes A Pacific Power
The U.S. took over Spain, Philippines Islands, and they took Hawaii as an American territory -
The Great Depression
The entire world went into a great depression because of the New York Stock Exchange Crash -
China In Flames
The conflict brought great suffering to the Chinese people. In the month that followed, they massacred as many as 300,000 Chinese civilians. -
The Tripartite Pact
In this agreement, the two European dictators approved Japan's goal for an Asian empire. The three countries pledged to support one another if any one of them was attacked by the U.S. -
War Warning
A determined leader, Tojo was not afraid to challenge Britain and the U.S. for power in East Asia. The Tojo government leaned toward the navy's approach. Japan began planning for surprise attacks all across the Pacific -- from Hong Kong to Hawaii. -
The Day Of Infamy
The U.S. was now aware that Japan might strike somewhere in the Pacific, but a warning did not reach Pearl Harbor until nearly 8:00 a.m., Hawaii time. For an hour-by-hour account of the attack on Pearl Harbor