The birth of Claude Bernard
Claude Bernard was born on July 12, 1813. It was on a farm in Saint- Julien. -
Period: to
The birth and death of Claude Bernard
Claude Bernard was born in Saint-Julien, France. He died in Paris, France. -
Claude Bernard the doctor and the mentor of the chairman of Physiology
In 1830 he moved to Paris, obtained his baccalaureate and started medicine in 1835. He obtained his degree at 29 years of age, in 1843, under Francois Magendie, chairman of Physiology in the college de France. -
Different Tempertures of the body
In examing the affects produced in the temperture of various parts of the body by section of the nerve or nerves belonging to them, he noticed that division of the cervical sympathetic gave rise to more active circulation and more forcible pulsation of the arteries in certain parts of the head. -
Accepted the chair of General Physiology
In 1854 he was elected member of the French academy of sciences and accepted thechair of General Physiology in the Facuilty of Science at Sorbonne. -
Professor of medicine
He was appointed professor of medicine at the famous college de France. Soon to have a son in the following year, but died the following year -
The French Academy of Medicine
Elected member of the academy of the French Academy of Medicine. Hopefully to become the chair of this academy as well as others in France. He was able to join because of his vast knowledge in testing medicines on animals -
The Chairman Already?
Elected the chairman left vacant by the death of Flourens the former chairman. His chair of Modern Physiology transferred to the French Museum of Natural History. -
A divorced Senator
Officially seperated from his wife. Appointed Senator of the large French Empire. -
A Chief Administrator?
Chief administrator of the Paris Universal Exhibition. Towards the end of his teachings at college de France. He made this decisions since he stopped having lectures about his experiments on animals -
The Last of Claude Bernard at college de France
Last and final lecture Bernard will make at college de France. Also it will be the last time the people see Mr. Bernard -
The death of Claude Bernard
dies on February, 10 at age forty rue des Ecoles, France. He had a short and successful life in his belt. -
The funeral of Claude Bernard
National funeral takes place on the 16th of February at the church of Saint- Sulpice, Paris. He is buried in the Pere-Lachaise cemetery, Paris, France