
  • Jan 1, 1254

    Marco Polo

    Marco Polo
    more info(1254-1324) He was the most famous Westerner to travel on the Silk Road. He excelled in determination, writing and his influence.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    more infohis real name is Giovanni Caboto and he was an Italian-born English explorer and navigator.
  • Jan 1, 1491

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques Cartier
    more infoA French navigator, Jacques Cartier was sent by the King of France, to the New World to discover gold and diamonds and a new route to Asia.
  • Jan 1, 1545

    Francis Drake

    Francis Drake
    more infoDrake led the second expedition to sail around the world in a voyage lasting from 1577 to 1580. He was a British explorer, slave-trader, and privateer.
  • Jan 1, 1554

    Walter Raleigh

    Walter Raleigh
    more infoHe was an Elizabethan explorer and a scholar. He advocated the colonisation United States .He also introduced the potato and tobacco into England
  • Jan 1, 1565

    Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    more infoHe was an English explorer and navigator who explored parts of the Arctic Ocean and northeastern North America. The Hudson River, Hudson Strait, and Hudson Bay are named after him. He also failed to find a route to china.
  • Jan 1, 1567

    Samuel de Champlain

    Samuel de Champlain
    more info He was a French explorer and navigator who mapped much of northeastern North America and started a settlement in Quebec. Champlain also discovered the lake named after him Champlain, on the border of northern New York and Vermont,
  • James Cook

    James Cook
    more infoCook set sail from England in August, 1768 on the Endeavor. His first stop was Rio de Janeiro, then the Endeavor proceeded west to Tahiti where camp was established and the transit of Venus was measured.
  • George Vancouver

    George Vancouver
    more infoHeexplored the coasts of British Columbia. he entered the history of exploration by joining both the second and the third expedition of James Cook.
  • Leif Ericson

    Leif Ericson
    more infobecame the first European to set foot on the shores of North America, and the first explorer of Norwegian extraction now accorded worldwide recognition.