
  • U.S. declares war on Japan

  • Coral Sea

    Coral Sea
    -U.S. Navy squares off against Japan
    -Japan wanted more south-pacific territory
    -Japan invades Tulagi and Port Moresby
    -They successfully take over Tulagi, but cannot take over Port Moresby
    -This ended threat to Australia
  • Midway

    -U.S. Navy led by Chester A. Nimitz battles Japanese Navy in Midway Attal
    -Japanese wanted to further harm America after Pearl Harbor
    -U.S. dominated and won easily
    -This battle rendered the Japanese navy irreparable
  • Guadalcanal

    -U.S. and Australia both attack the island of Guadalcanal, which was Japanese-occupied.
    -They needed for important military bases.
    -They eventually overpowered the Japanese using island-hopping, and took it over.
    -This marked Japan's first land defeat
  • Philipine Sea

    Philipine Sea
    -U.S. faced Japan in Mariana Islands
    -Naval battle and aerial battle(Great Marianas Turkey Shoot) crippled Japan's Navy
    -This battle took place when the U.S. was trying to complete amphibious invasions of the Marianas Islands
    -This major loss prevented Japan's Naval ability to conduct large-scale carrier actions
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    -Meeting between the 3 Allied chief leaders
    -Consisted of FDR, Stalin, and Churchill
    -The meeting was to decide what to do with Germany after the war
    -This took place in Yalta, Crimea and they decided how to dole out the newly-liberated European land.
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    -U.S. Marine Corps. take over the Island of Iwo Jima, which was heavily fortified
    -The resources were not bountiful enough for how many casualties occurred
    -Though the battle was an overwhelming American victory, the battle is primarily remembered for the memorable flag-raising on top of Mt. Suribachi
    -This was a crippling loss for Japan because they lost 3x more men than America
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    -Series of battles fought on Ryukyu Islands between Allies and Japan
    -One of the bloodiest battles of the war, resulting in over 82,000 casualties on both sides.
    -Okinawa proved to be costly for both sides because of the heavy losses of men and ships
    -Okinawa provided an important fleet anchorage for the Allies after the battle
  • Hiroshima

    -U.S. bombs the city of Hiroshima
    -They ignored an ultimatum, which then gave the U.S. permission to bomb
    -The plane, Enola Gay dropped "Little Boy" first, killing thousands
    -After the initial bomb, fatal gases lingered which killed more
  • Nagasaki

    -U.S. drops another nuke, just 3 days after Hiroshima
    -The plane Bockscar drops "Fat Man", resulting in thousands of deaths
    -Japan surrendered a few days later
    -The two bombings marked the first time nuclear warfare was used
  • V-J Day