Dukes VS. Wal-Mart

  • Continued

    The Plantiffs seek an order to reform Wal-Mart's practices, and to cover lost wages and benifits for all women who have been victims of Wal-Mart's discrimination acts. They also seek punitive damages to be set by the jury at trial.
  • The case begins.

    Betty Dukes along with six other women filed the Dukes VS. Wal-Mart Inc. lawsuit against Wal-Mart and Same Club for sexual discrimination in the U.S. District Court, Nothern District of California (San Fransisco) claiming that Wal-Mart disctiminates through pay, and job promotions. Betty worked as a cashier/greeter in Pittsburg. The others worked in Wal-Mart's through out the states.
  • Court orders internal employment documents

    Wal-Mart is ordered by the lower-courts to disclose internal employment revealing that 1 million of Wal-Mart's hourly workers are women, yet women hold fewer than one third of managment jobs, and only 15% of managment positions. The order also revealed that women are payed less than men of equal senority in every major job category, even though females on average had higher performance ratings and fewer turnovers than men.
  • Continued

    The woman's attournies take statements from 110+ women workers at Wal-Mart stores and Sams Clubs in 30 states. They took an oath to explain in full detail how Wal-Mart discriminated them, and the women explained how their supervisors explained themselves. They said that "Retail is too rough and not appropriate for women" "Men have families to support and feed", "God made Adam first, so women are always second to men". "Retail is just for women who want extra pay", and other reasons.
  • Submitted Evidence

    The women sumbitted their evidence and filed a for a class act certification in the U.S. Courts of California.
  • Courts certifies the class act

    The court system cerftifed the class action asking all women who haved worked at Wal-Mart from the year of December 26th, 1998 - now. This estimated up to 1.6 million women making it the largest civil rights case in the United States History. The case was ordered to trial. The book "Selling Women Short: The landmark battle for workers rights at Wal-Mart" was published.
  • Three Judge Court Panel

    On August 8th, 2005 a three judge court panel from the 9th circiut hears Wal-Mart's appeal
  • 2008

    Wal-Mart re-quests a rehearing.
  • Court Of Appeals

    After almost a decade, the US Court Of Appeals rules in a 100 page decision that female employees who have worked at Wal-Mart at anytime in June of 2001 are entiled to proceed with a massive class action lawsuit charging sex discrimination.
  • US Supreme Court Review

    Wal-Mart files a petition for a writ of cetiorari or a supreme court review of the 9th cirtciuts order approving class acion certification.
  • Plantiffs file for a brief

    Plantiffs file for a brief opposing the Supreme Court review of the 9th circuit courts decision granting class act certification.
  • Grants Review for Wal-Marrt.

    On December 6th, 2010 the U.S. Supreme Court announced it would grant the review of the 9th circuit decision.
  • Supreme Court listens to the final arguments.

    U.S Supreme Court justices hear the final oral arguments for the plantiffs and rhe attourny for Wal-Mart.
  • Supreme Court Makes Final Decison

    The Supreme Court rules in Wal-Mart's favor.