Growing up girl

Dufour Timeline

  • Trust vs Mistrust, Psychosocial Stage 1

    Trust vs Mistrust, Psychosocial Stage 1
    Baby Amara is 3 months old, she is feeding regularly with her mother and has a daily routine which helps her to feel safe and secure. When she cries, her mother and father attend to her quickly. She is always fed, changed, and given affection regularly throughout the day. Amara has developed trust in her parents to take care of her basic needs. If this is to continue, Amara will move on from this stage feeling trustful of the world around her.
  • Initiative vs. Guilt, Psychosocial Stage 3

    Initiative vs. Guilt, Psychosocial Stage 3
    Amara has grown from infancy to preschool age. She has now began her educational journey into the start of preschool. She is playing well with others, making new friends, and exploring new things in school. She is beginning to understand she has a place in this big world and can contribute to others through her play. In order to successfully move forward from this stage she will need to answer the question within herself "am I good?", with the help of her peers, parents, and teachers.
  • Industry vs. Inferiority, Stage 4

    Industry vs. Inferiority, Stage 4
    Amara is currently almost 8-years-old, in the 2nd grade. She is continuing to work on her reading, math, and writing abilities. As she learns these new skills and continues to be challenged at an adequate rate she will build competence and self-assurance. One of the biggest predictors of success in this stage is doing well in academics. In order to move forward in building her identity she will need to build a foundation of self-worth and believing she is good enough.